Jamesy wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
Define "creep", Jamesy.
What does that mean in your opinion?
I'm not saying you are one, but we should all be on the same page about what it means.
To me a true creep is someone who enjoys being creepy because it gives them a thrill. Before I was put on anti pychotic medication back in 2017 I used to hang around outside nightclubs until 3 in the morning seeking attention from women and just generally acting weird
I would not dream of doing that these days and as if 18 year old women would be interested in a strange 28 year old man anyway hanging outside clubs anyway.
I don't think it means they enjoy being creepy, or that it gives them a thrill.
I'd use the word for anyone (any gender) who seems creepy.
In my opinion creepy ^ means they exude a bad vibe.
They set off a gut-feeling or warning alarm for me.
They make me feel unsafe even if I'm not sure why.
Creepy people seem to be thinking unsavoury thoughts.
They might watch me too intently or seem to study me.
They might seem to watch or study other people.
They might not respect boundaries (conversations or touch).
The creep might not have any idea they're doing this.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.