Here's a rant for you:
My Parents are stuck in the Dark Ages. They refuse to admit that I have the same ammount of Knoledge as everybody else in the Family. Instead of presuming Knowlege, when they size me up, they presume a lack of it. I do NOT act like I'm Mentally Challenged. I've been acting like a Little Adult my whole life. I've acted that way, so that people wouldn't suspect that there was anything wrong with me. So I'm quiet when I'm at home with my Parents. It means that I don't feel like talking. It doesn't mean that I'm not as Smart as my Perfect Little Sister. I AM as Intelligent as she is. It's just that I was discouraged from talking about my Obsessions at a very young age. If I was allowed to talk about my Obsessions, my Parents would be blown away by how much I actually know. They wouldn't presume a Lack of Knoledge whenever I do decide to hang out with them. I keep myself quiet, because none of the NTs in my Family want to hear about my Obsessions. Now I'm stuck with a couple of overgrown Teenagers who think I'm Slow.