nightbender wrote:
Yes i will be getting some test done too see what exactly is going on
i really really dont want to be on wp a year from now complaining about the same stuff.
You will feel better, I'm sure. You have so much potential. Did you know many/most Autists do go through various turmoil states - then they DO get better. Not just better, but stronger for the experience. But for now, I am sorry you're not feeling well. Good luck with your new doctor, nightbender.
One suggestion (you might ask, since you wish to try naturopathy): SAMe supplement @ 400 mg daily. SAMe is pronounced "Sammy." But it's S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Disulfate Tosylate_sold in most health/nutrition centers and other places with pharmaceuticals. SAMe is a mood-stabilizer (acts quite like St. John's Wort) but also regulates mood. Further SAMe supports joint & liver health - might want to take with a full-range B vitamin as well.
I usually do not purport herbal or naturopathic supplements (I'm neither pro or con about holistic medicine) but SAMe I would recommend.
Anyway, keep us posted!
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown