I feel apprehensive about entering the new decade.
I have achieved a lot of things others (myself included) initially dismissed and deemed unlikely. Education, a life, great health, a relationship, a family, and on the cusp of a fulfilling, possibly life-changing career.
Approaching 30 and my sense of pride has withered. I can't be kind to myself. I self loathe. Convinced I look overweight, when others state the opposite.
I try to use positive affirmations, but I feel like I could've used my 20's more productively. Though, in a sense I have.
Is it because I used them in a way I didn't expect to? Because my life didn't adhere to my plan? How do I condition this rigid brain into reminding it that life seldom goes to plan, and that there are twists, turns and obstacles you overcome to grow and learn from? Routes change, times change, so why the dissociation after accepting the changes?
I'm torn by the shrouding negativity, despite all the positivity I have managed to achieve when fully in control of my life. Rebuilding bridges I thought were burnt.
I should feel proud, and confident, but instead, I am riddled with angst and persistent worry, despising how at times I feel compelled to label myself a "tortured artist". Depressive episodes, and heaps of procrastination to fight.
Lots of I's, with two more to finish, I hope that from all of this, I will break out of this self-tormenting catch 22 and learn to be kind to myself, strive in my confidence and relax a little more.
All because it's another year and another decade.
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
"And I've embraced the calamity, with a detachment and a passive disinterest."
"I hear voices...But I ignore them and just carry on killing."