-7 Wondering if there really is any hope for me or if I'm just going to stay living with my parents for the rest of my life with the threat of having to be hospitalized for mental health reasons constantly looming over my head. Thinking again about the program I applied for before and was rejected by for not having a job (after we went to an informational meeting during which they said they worked with job coaches to help people get jobs and made a big deal about having a 100% employment rate, then when I applied they turned around and (two months later, I might add) said that having a job was mandatory for the program), how they don't want the people who would benefit most from the assistance, all they're after is people who will be a good face for the program. Wondering if any place at all would take me once they found out about my history of self-harm and on-and-off suicidal tendencies, suspect that literally everything short of a hospital will say they aren't equipped to handle people like me. But how am I supposed to live without any assistance when I don't even eat without being prodded multiple times? Kind of wish I was old so I could be accepted into a senior care facility, that seems to be the sort of thing I might need (I even have similar memory issues to what many of the people there would have... but then again, when it comes out that I have a recent history of self-harm and suicidality, they too would probably say "Nope, we can't be held responsible for someone like this."). I guess I just have to learn to come to terms with the fact that my parents are the only ones who are actually willing to help me, and that means probably staying with them indefinitely.
The thing is, I want to do something where I can look at it and say I've made some progress. That's really why I want to move into a place I can call my own (even if it's an assisted living sort of thing), I think. Plus then I could quit feeling like I'm a burden on my parents (no matter how much they insist I'm not, it still feels like I am). But then just when I think I'm ready to take the next leap, something comes and blocks me. When I finally get a job (granted only as a part-time janitor), I end up going to the hospital four times in one year due to the effect it has on my mental health. When I find a program I think can help me transition to independent living, nope, you have to have a job for them to help you at all. When I think I might be able to live on my own once I get accustomed to it and am about to start seriously looking at apartments, bam, hello depression and suicidal thoughts/thoughts of death.
Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"