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02 Mar 2020, 2:59 pm

^ I just checked that channel and he does seem like a great guy who is sincere, but i think it's okay to be wary of such people in general. Some people do like to use disabled or ill people to boost their ego and show the world how good of a person they are.


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02 Mar 2020, 5:28 pm

0 flatline exhausted. I finally finished 20 hours of ADHD sessions, my house flooded with 4" of sewage and I had tradesmen in all day to drain it, then they started ripping out my walls and floor. They are using a weird smelling sanitation product and noisy fans to dry and sanitise the air quality. I guess the good news is I'm getting a major house reno including a new stairwell, walls, flooring, painting, and possibly even new windows because they had to rip the wall out and the window frame got damaged. I'm allowed to stay in a hotel for free but I think that would push me over the edge. Viva la insurance.

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02 Mar 2020, 5:34 pm

How long’s the work expected to take?


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02 Mar 2020, 5:42 pm

I don't actually know yet. The men who were here are the demolition crew. The repair people can't start for another week or so because the air still needs to be cleaned and everything decontaminated. The fans will be going until Friday, most likely.

I sense it will take about two months in total, but I have no idea yet.

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02 Mar 2020, 5:56 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
The fans will be going until Friday, most likely.

8O 24 hours a day? 8O

Took longer when my parents house was flooded, but they had a couple of feet of river through a 400yr old house and chose to remodel the downstairs ... and the upstairs to accommodate moving the staircase.
It was weird, half the same place and half not at all afterwards.


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02 Mar 2020, 5:59 pm

Yup. 24 hours. Too bad the electrical cost won't be covered. :(

They're huge industrial fans. About twenty of them.

I'm starting to consider the free hotel.

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02 Mar 2020, 6:05 pm

Hmmm... think I would be considering it too.

Hotels are peculiar though...


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02 Mar 2020, 8:19 pm

I love hotels! Also airports.

Feel 6 .. Content but also dissatisfied with my fatigue n lack of accomplishing anything. Cant do anything proper but stay online (which requires little energy)

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04 Mar 2020, 1:31 pm

3. Talking to that girl only makes me feel used. I don't want to do her any favors and never want to see her again after this.


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05 Mar 2020, 3:39 am


made myself look like an ass earlier, loitering at a store earlier today for the better part of an hour...eventually picking out a thing of correction fluid i didn't even need, so i could have an excuse to talk to the cashier (that i had a crush oh....god it feels so stupid to use that word at my age)
and not feel like i'm bothering her - it's her job. we talked for a bit - showed me her tattoo, didn't know she had one.

me: 'i'm trying this thing where i come out of my shell and meet new people...we should hang out" *slips card with phone # and email along with payment*

thanks but i have a BF etc etc i'll text you (that hasn't happened, it was probably the cashier right behind her too)

oh well. nothing ventured, nothing gained i'm glad i ventured but i gained nothing and i want my three dollars back. i expected nothing else but at least i won't have to live with the with the nagging feeling of WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF

plenty of, too bad i don't live in a sea, i live in a small pond called vashon where people my age are hard to come by as it is because there's no college here and COL is skyrocketing driving everyone without wrinkles away. also it doesn't matter how many fish there are when your bait is s**t and you don't know how to cast the rod

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05 Mar 2020, 5:36 am

^^^you did a heroic thing AFAIC. :wtg: speaking of COL, tacoma is cheaper than vashon. and olympia is cheaper than tacoma. and shelton is cheaper than olympia. and rural mason county prolly the cheapest place in western WA.


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05 Mar 2020, 4:25 pm

i guess so huh.


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05 Mar 2020, 6:50 pm

0. On the one hand, I’ve been super-productive with my writing and I have some fun things planned for this weekend while my wife is on a road trip with her BFF. On the other hand, I’m alternately bored and stressed out at work and my family of origin is on some b***s***. As Mrs. WildColonial pointed out, this is nothing new, but it’s frustrating me more than usual.

“‘Why was I chosen?’ ‘Such questions cannot be answered,’ said Gandalf. ‘You may be sure that it was not for any merit that others do not possess: not for power or wisdom, at any rate. But you have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have.’”


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05 Mar 2020, 6:54 pm

2 I'd really love to use water again.

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05 Mar 2020, 7:35 pm

-5 So shaky it's hard to type, and it's even hard to drink from my can of ginger ale, I ended up spilling it down my front instead. Pretty sure this is because of the meds. Also having more problems with being dizzy when I stand up, and when I had my seizure or whatever it was yesterday, it was as I was reaching for the counter to steady myself because I was dizzy from standing up too quickly, so I don't know if that was at least part of the cause or just a coincidence, so I get a little nervous every time that happens. Also still really thirsty all the time and subsequently needing to pee all the time because my body isn't actually using all this extra fluid it's asking for (that one's probably due to the lithium, I've had that problem before and so my psychiatrist lowered my dose and the problem went away, but they hiked my dose way up while I was in the hospital and that's the dose I'm taking right now). I see my psychiatrist at 4 tomorrow, hopefully she can help me get this all straightened out.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
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05 Mar 2020, 7:38 pm

Make sure they check your blood pressure seated as well as standing. Sometimes blood pressure can drop really quickly when you stand up. It's called Orthostatic Hypotension. I've had issues with that. Your meds could definitely be a contributing factor, and also your blood sugar levels since you've had such a scant appetite. I hope they do a proper physical exam and not just psychological / meds related.

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