Dear Pharmaceutical Marketers:
Please stop marketing antipsychotics as antidepressants. They are not the same kind of drug.
I understand that they have uses, including in the treatment of bipolar depression. Also depression with psychotic features. And your warning is technically correct. But they are NOT antidepressants; in fact their mechanism of action is opposite from antidepressaants. If they cause worsening depression, or if suicidal thoughts develop, it is for different reasons.
Consumers don't know that. Teachers, parents, therapists... The world is full of people who don't know that. It has taken more than 100 hours of research for ME to know that. I know you spent a lot of money on these drugs, and nownyou must sell them. OK. But please don't do it by slieght of hand (or slieght of word). People are going to be destroyed. Or killed.
People already have been.
Someone Who Is Not Going To Be a Victim Any More
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"