kraftiekortie wrote:
Have you made an appointment with an ENT specialist?
Here in the UK, this is all organised via your Doctor. She is phoning first thing again on Monday morning and will likely send me off for some tests then. We were waiting on the Covid test result(I sent the swab test kit back on Tuesday for tesing, results came through Thursday late afternoon). The Doc felt it was likely covid as she has had a few patients lose their hearing due to this. Apparently it’s been an overlooked symptom of covid, affecting patients from the age of 20 up to 50, with no prior hearing problems. They’ve only done 3 small studies on it, so far. I looked this up as I had no idea this was a thing. It certainly is, though. Not sure what’s caused this in my case, but it can be due to a virus, measles(which I’ve had), autoimmune diseases, brain tumor, migraine, stroke/heart issues, trauma, concussion, a tear in the tissue between middle/inner ear, diabetes, hypothyroidism & more. Oral steroids might be prescribed. The sooner they can figure out the cause, the better the chance at preventing long-term deafness.