Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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03 Oct 2014, 9:29 pm

Dear Former Comrades in E____ Online!
Do not mind me. XD

Dear Former Gang back in F___ Online,

Dear guys in R___ Online,
So I heard you guys are disbanded. Ah well. gL having a life then.

Dear ppl in A_____ K_____ Online,
Take care of a certain someone in server Cerberus. XD

Dear my old party back in D____ Online,
Well... Too bad that didn't went well. Enjoy and condolence. (Oh wait, no, I'm 4 years late to say that!)

To my recently deceased Grandfather,
You're the most scariest grandfather, or rather the scariest senior I've met so far. A comedian too, just like Great-grandpa (YOUR dad that is). I know you missed daddy... You didn't see it coming that you're crossing first before grandmother does? Actually no one does, despite that some are hoping for it. You're right about you saying "Iba ang landas mo". You acknowledge who I'm. I appreciate that well. Too bad I'm not able to tell you straight. Is it true you're rather scared of me? Because you always leer at other people; which is almost everyone except your drinking pals. Whenever you're drunk you merely harass everyone except me or your drinking buddies. Too bad I never asked you why. Aside from your drinking buddies, your favorite is my dad; which I knew...
Do you know despite that you almost yell and harass grandma for years, that she's crying about the sudden news? Do you know that uncle, whom you never seen for more than 20 years is crying about the news as well? I'm not sure if my dad or your eldest daughter had the last news... My sister didn't told my dad straight because he doesn't want anymore bad news, but instead uncle did afterwards. I never get to asked what he reacted; I prefer not. Lastly, I don't know about great-grandmother; she's damned healthier than pretty much every senior I've met. I'm not sure if she gets the feeling of a parent burying their own child... I haven't seen her anyways.

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04 Oct 2014, 2:40 am

Dear the kids at my old school

I freaking hate all of y'all!! Y'all had no right to bully me, and to treat me like an outcast. >:(



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11 Oct 2014, 11:15 pm

Dear Purity Pledges,

Purity pledge on my d**k.


A very horny gay man. :)


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15 Oct 2014, 5:10 am

Dear Potential Friend,

I thought I could be myself around you. Apparently, I was wrong. I don't know at which point my words or actions caused your opinion of me to change, but I guess you don't want to be my friend after all. I guess you find that I am not worth putting up with my foibles and quirks.

You don't understand what a friendship with you would have meant to me. You don't understand the value I placed on you because I wanted to be friends. You don't see that extremely few people ever reach that place in my life.

Sure, I know lots of people. And, sure, I can talk briefly and "pass" as normal in shallow social contexts. But, you don't realize that that's as far as it goes with people. Most of the time, I don't care because these people don't interest me. But you??? You interest me. You're smart, talented, and share similar interests to me. You're a bit quirky yourself. Do you realize how rare a person like you is?

I was hoping that I was a rare gem myself.

I guess I got too excited about finding someone like you. I got too excited about the possibility of a real friendship. I got too excited and let my guard down, and exposed too much of the real me.

So now, I don't have the friend I want, and I have learned that I still have issues about myself that I cannot even see which keep me separated from people.

I am kind, generous, loving, deep thinking, talented, creative, and perhaps even beautiful. But I guess none of that matters because my quirks prevent you from wanting to get to know me.

Still lonely,


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18 Oct 2014, 1:02 pm

Dear those ignorant guys in facebook,

You're all bunch of ignorant idiots. You're all don't deserve my explanations. You're all too shallow-minded to understand at all! Like talking to a wall. You're all too stupid to assume what I intend to. Offensive? Is it directly at you? I'm not even talking to you. Heck I don't even KNOW you. WHY do you even goddamned care anyway? I really, really, REALLY, do wish I have an ability to punch someone's face over the internet. He's MY classmate, he KNEW me, he gets my POINT, you DON'T.

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20 Oct 2014, 9:47 pm

Dear you,

Hope you had a good day. :)



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01 Nov 2014, 5:31 pm

Dear myself,

Don't be so shy. Reach out. Interact. On the Internet and especially in real life. And instead of shutting your mind in a compact bubble, learn whom to trust and not to trust.


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01 Nov 2014, 6:00 pm

Dear You Know Who You Are

Thank you for abusing my trust.

Thank you for telling everyone on a certain forum every last detail about me after I opened my heart to you.

Thank you for nothing.

Let me remind you what goes around comes around.


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01 Nov 2014, 8:45 pm

Dear you,

I hope you catch a break and enjoy it one day. You've had a hard life, and you've been through more than most people would imagine. I hope you best your demons, and have pleasant days ahead of you. I'll miss seeing you around.

Someone who cares


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05 Nov 2014, 4:05 pm

Dear you, you, and you,
All of you have been locked in there and you're not allowed out. :spiderman:


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06 Nov 2014, 5:24 pm

Dear You

See the thing is, I don't trust your employer. Now for as nice as you may be and for as much as you believe I have the full choiche in this matter ultimatelly I am dealing with dogmatic people whom have blinkers on and whom, unlike yourself, don't take them off on the moments the sun don't shine so bright.
So no, I'm not looking forward to our meeting. Coz it's not just you and me now innit? That overqualified do-gooder will be there too. I don't remember much of the last meeting with her and the one feeling I remember to have filed at the time is to be careful with her.
I know you are on my side though otherwise you would not have bothered explaing how the law stands on my side and that I can demand that DD spend another year at her primary school. But in the end do I really want her there if the school has decided she should move on to secondary?
And now I got to wait till the 5th Dec. for that meeting. I do hope you answer my last mail soon and that we can meet up without Mrs. Overqualified present beforehand. It would be helpfull in dealing with the anger that is building up regarding the whole matter.


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08 Nov 2014, 8:42 am

Dear you and you and you and you and whoever else might have been involved,

It's been a f*****g tough time and I think you all knew it. It's hard to sit there and keep everything flowing when I didn't have a clue about the reasons for some of your actions.

All I've had to rely upon throughout this treacherous time is insight, speculation and conspiracy theories. However, I don't think I've been very far off the mark, as right from the start I could see why you put this practice into place, I just couldn't muster the reasoning behind why you would use us to do it.

I realise that the journey has reached it's destination now, however my confusion fuelled my anger and unfortunately it was you who took the brunt of that. For this I am sorry. It doesn't make me feel good to blow like that as I hate to lose my composure.

This morning I have taken stock of the events of the last couple of months and I have reached my own conclusion. My conclusion may not be completely accurate but I can only work with the evidence of what I have been given.

With this in mind I can say that I am extremely proud of what I have achieved during the divide. I have kept the morale of my team up and have made some extremely strong allies who have stood by me throughout.

For you, you have achieved what you set out to do from the start, business is business. Congratulations!

For me, I have reached resolution and once the mixture of sadness and anger subsides and turns to relief I am sure that I will take back my strength and will be able to resume business as usual.

At the moment I am standing amidst the fallout and collateral damage of what can only be described as psychological warfare. However, I am standing strong, the clouds are clearing and once tear stained eyes have cleared there will be blue skies once again.

Your finale was quite grand and I would applaud you if I didn't think it was so cruel, but my prize is that I now see the true measure of you and for me that is priceless.

I hope you know that I know.

I hope you know who I am now.

I hope you know that I am a warrior.

I hope you know that I will fight you.

And I hope you know that I will win.

Take my hand.

From Me.

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08 Nov 2014, 9:27 pm



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14 Nov 2014, 1:55 am

Dear mom and dad.

I told you dad, I don't want to talk to your crazy wife. She has abused me three ways from sideways my whole life, and you did nothing. She manufactured another argument full of fake crying, lies, and a bunch of other narcissistic stuff in order to fill up her supply. I made something that was awarded. I felt really good about it (with the exception of the anxiety I got just to go see it).She came down here, and walked all over my parade. Unpurpose. You listened, saw what goes on, and you did nothing. Again. You try to be a good father but you're just too stupid. Stick up for your wife as always, so you can have one. You said you were going to keep her away from me for a while, because I cannot handle it. I never really could, unless I shut down, and just let her do her things. I stopped talking to you for a reason. If you cannot put your wife on a leash than screw you. And screw her too. Stop knocking on my door. Stop calling. Stop having her text me. I can kick myself down a flight of stairs when I do something great, I don't need her to do it. Ooh. And thanks for letting me fend for myself when I was 18, soo you two could bask in the fun, and retire at 54, while making me believe you were struggling, and somehow needed to do it. Don't know what kind of mother could come up with some narcissistic mambo jambo like that? The last time you came over to my house before you went to your winter home the door was open. Not so you could walk right in, tell me how much you knew I was mad at you, give me some love letter, probably with a big fat wad of sweaty money in it (my niece told me it is inheritance money???) But because I wanted fresh air. If I wanted you in my house, I would have said come in. I didn't open your love letter. I don't care what it says. It is just a tactic. I don't want your sweaty money. You made me learn how to do without your sweaty money, and your love when I needed actual parental support. What makes you think I want it now? If that is your way of saying you're sorry, and you f***ed up, than f**k you! I will get your winter address, and mail it back. You can have that inheritance you want to give to me if you ever die too. Give it to my a****le brother, I don't care. I don't want my name attatched to your safety deposit box anymore either. I never did. It's your junk, you keep it. If you die tomarrow, I wont be there to open it. It is probably just extra sweaty money you have from hoarding, and a lack of parenting anyways. I will try to get my bass boat, and my dirtbike out of your summer home before you get back without you knowing about it. Another thing. My a****le older brother. The one who cracked a litre glass pop bottle over my head, and gave me stitches (which you didn't do anything about). The one who picked on me almost daily until I threw him into a wall at the age of 13 (which you didn't do anything about). He didn't call me this year to ask me if I was going to go hunting on that property I am supposed to inherit. Probably because he is an a****le. I still cannot belive I wound up in bed with his wife before they ever knew each other, and she never told my brother about it. What a f****ng b**ch! She is just like you mom. You broke him in for her. He is just like dad. Congrats! You're a horrible mom. You broke one of my sisters in too. Now she is gone, and that is a horrible tragedy. I'm not broken, and I would like to keep it that way. So go away. I'm not your toy. Now go play. In someone elses sandbox. it is no wonder to me why I was such a f***ed up kid. I'm done trying to be a good son to you. It doesn't work. Because you're you.

Not so sincerely:


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14 Nov 2014, 9:38 am

Dear sadistic boss and A-hole coworkers,

You know what? F*** you all, and thank you for absolutely nothing. For the 18 months that I have worked with you, you have treated me like dogsh*t and not an equal. You have taken advantage of me, and I do not appreciate that. I even asked for a raise and change in transportation recently, and you ignored me. In fact, none of you even know that I exist, yet you pay attention to other coworkers around you. WTF!?

Again, thanks for nothing. Consider me gone within the next week or so. I bet you guys won't even miss me when I leave, even though you say otherwise. In fact, you'll probably throw a big party once I do.

Screw you all!


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14 Nov 2014, 2:51 pm

Dear fellow CFs,
You are more unaccepting than you realise of people who are different. You're not incapable of arguing a point convincingly, so why don't you do so? Also, I really don't care who is going out with who and what happened at the party last night. You are nice people though.

Dear T,
You need to work on your social skills. Even I can see that. Maybe people wouldn't dislike you so much if you joined in the mindless gossip that is a normal conversation or just kept quiet. Don't talk about controversial topics, it annoys people. Don't talk about anything that might be considered inappropriate, such as all the interesting ways people can die. Don't talk to me, because I will not reply appropriately. Finally, here's an interesting fact: Sleep deprivation was once used as a form of execution in China.