I propose we change the name of this *sticky* (ahem): Here's why, and I'll post an excerpt of what I just PM'd to another:
".............The 'special silent forum' (e.g. nonverbal) *sticky* in the Haven is stagnate and members say the title is misleading, so they consequently do not post in this forum. Yet this forum is so relevant to virtually all on the spectrum! I am a diagnosed Aspie and yet can have times of near muteness and so do plenty of others; one of our triad of impairments is communication, specifically social/verbal communication. Even those chatty Aspies can have real difficulities with communicating verbally to others.
I actually had one member send me a PM, saying that she'd like to post in the 'nonverbal' forum, as she has plenty of trouble verbal communicating, but she does not because "it does not apply to her" (but it does). So the title needs to be changed to better accomodate all of our members. One NV regular said she almost does not post there anymore because no one else does. Understandable.
I suggest the title to this *sticky* forum be changed to be more palatable to our members. How about 'verbal communication differences' or something related? I'd really encourage members to post so they may express themselves regarding communication from an AS perspective and share ideas............"
BBC had aired a programme about selective mutism, especially in children. However, there's no mention about those who are on the spectrum with selective mutism! That's a missing piece and what our WP members express so well. I can (and do) speak more now - - (finally) but it can be awkward. One difference is that, in the programme mentioned above, the sometimes-mute individuals said they were "embarrassed" or just shy. OK, but the dynamics change if one is an Aspie in that there are times when we physically may be unable to speak! It's happened to me.
Anyhow, I hope everyone on the Wrong Planet can post here.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown