negative somethings
It's funny how you learn new things about your perceptions when prompted and they arise tangentially. One time, and not that long ago in reality, I was asked, along with others, to draw your face. Simple enough (they take your photo when you go in so you've got something as a reference; they do it for the nurses for recognition due to shift changes), though I kept on crushing it up after finishing because something felt wrong with it, as it wasn't "me". The person that asked me to draw it thought it was a perfection issue and then went with reassurances that it looked fine for someone who doesn't really draw non-mechanical things. It looked fine to me too, which I communicated, it's just that it felt wrong, like the color wasn't there. Enter crayons and various colors and I repeated the drawing several times. They all looked wrong except the red one, a washed out blood red looking one. "Is that how you see yourself?" "Yeah." Enter the usual questions on what red represents, but I came up with nothing, because you can kinda interpret colors for many emotions if you think about it and wider-society has some implied ones via culture/s, and at that time, I felt more black (I eventually realized what red meant to me). It ended up being synesthesia and I actually see and associate people with colors more than their physical appearance; the latter is for recognition, but the color is for how I apparently feel towards them, ultimately see them, and it's via whatever sensory and/or emotional noise I've absorbed from them.
I've always seen my mother as green, which feels loving, comforting and natural; what you'd hope from a mother. I've always seen my father as black smoke, like that of a tire fire, even when he was neutral or ok at the time; chemical odor, choking smoke, and burning. Likely not what you'd want of a father. The oddest thing is my sister, who I've never seen as a color, just her physical presence. There's nothing there. Most people I've known or partially known have been blues, yellows, browns and oranges. One person I knew well was purple. The other white to violet. It makes me sad thinking about this.
I don't like my color.