The trigeminal neuralgia is playing up, but that's alright, as physical (left side for me); something weird about that is that the nerve pain in my hand goes away when the face acts up, though it's probably not that, rather the face pain just ramps up so much more. Emotionally, seen better nights there, but that's understandable considering everything. I'm alright though. You can feel bad but be fine, which probably is quite sad there when you consider the implications, but I'll just consider it funny. Because funny is a more positive word than sad, and they both can make you laugh or cry all the same. So can pain.
I have quite a conundrum in front of me. My mother isn't vaccinated (yeah, quite a bit different than me not being so). She's worried about it exacerbating her conditions, which is theoretically possible with all of them and also the virus itself. My conundrum is I won't coerce people to do things, rather I just discuss info and go through risks/rewards, which in this case, favors the vaccine when factoring in all the variables (including the lowered efficacy against Unicron; it'll reduce severity to some amount) and the fact she may need to go to high risk areas within any given several months in time, i.e., hospital. It's also a foot in the door, as the 1st dose will give an idea of what to expect considering it's going to be a forever thing. It seems like she wants me to make the decision for her, which is something I can't do; her doctors/specialists say yes, so I say that. She's more afraid of the virus than I am too, (I wouldn't be if I were her, so I might be on the opposite end there, but that opinion doesn't bias my view here). Whilst I help her and there's a lot of responsibility on me in that context, she's still 100% mentally capable of making an informed decision, even if indecisive due to fear.
Quite a conundrum for someone you care about and for. "You probably should get it," is about as much I can say when it comes to me. Her choice in the end though. Ah, maybe I do need to make sure to warn her not to let fear make the decision for her. You never let fear do such, as it's not your decision then. If you fear two things, then I guess you go with the one you're less afraid of.