Thanks, dude.
No (not vaccinated, likely won't get SARS-CoV-2 for a very long time because hermit), but you should generally start feeling better by quite a bit after a week, though residual stuff can go for weeks/months/longer due to the inflammation, virus fragments (body attacking them still), antibody issues and/or other oddities. Secondary bacterial/fugal stuff isn't all that common with SARS-CoV-2. If you're beyond day 7-8 of symptom onset, then it'll likely be residual stuff. Other than talking to a doctor, I'd try a basic antihistamine to see if there's some prolonged inflammation/mast cell issues, as that should help if it's there, but that's me (I'm on one anyway, so whatever, lol). Vaccines likely don't do much outside of helping against systemic spread (which is good). A very recent dose might stop infection.
COVID-19 goes bad at around day 7, which is what everyone should know there.
Still -5,
I removed the knife from under my pillow and put it out of reach because living in fear is silly. There's been one there for a very long time every night (most of my life). I didn't feel any differently. I guess that answered that question. 'net is dropping in and out, but whatever.