Dear Dad,
I'm sure you meant well. Nothing but the best of intentions.
I think you were completely and totally f*****g evil. I think that, if there is a Devil and a Hell, then you spent your life serving the Devil and are therefore now in Hell. I will never tell anyone that, because people loved you-- I don't know why, I guess being good at small talk is the ultimate skill and kicking people in the face when they fail makes them want to please you-- but personally I hope it's true. You earned it.
YOU were most of the reason my father-- a better man in five minutes than you EVER were-- died alone and rotted in his bed. YOU were the one who threatened to take my kids from me if I went to him. At least HE went quick. Personally, I'm GLAD that you died by inches of congestive heart failure and kidney disease. You brought it on yourself.
That's not the worst of it. I think anyone who would bully his own daughter into having an abortion-- and then actually brag about it two and a half decades later while trying to bully his daughter-in-law into doing the same-- deserves to be castrated and forced to choke down his own amputated member. And for what?? By your own words, just so your daughter and your son could HAVE MORE THINGS.
You were EVIL. You epitomized the "Culture of Death" that the Catholics like to carry on about. No matter what your first wife did, the Church was right to throw YOU out.
I hate you so much, I wish that I had never married your son. I see traces of you in him and want to vomit.
Enjoy Hell. You earned it.
The b***h
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"