I'm sad to see you feeling bad, blueroses (yeah, my hopes above don't really work that well. I'll still hope).
It would feel like you're trapped when it comes to your career as you describe it (not much to see outside of a rock and a harder place there), but there always is the chance of something better, where you're treated with respect, even if it's where you are now (change can happen). I'm sorry about how you're treated. It's hard to see past the past and foresee anything better. Sometimes the future is better, sometimes not, and we often don't have much of a say which way it goes no matter how much we care, nor the amount of effort we put into the fare. I don't think you are destined for that lonesome road, as you're a nice, kind and giving person, and from what I can tell, independent, albeit the past that overshadows almost everything if it's been bad, not just relations, as before, is hard to look beyond. In a way, it's the future that's the problem, the fear (I repeated the same point three times ). Anyway, hoping you find happiness and peace in it all.
Dunno about me. I guess I'm feeling a little more nameless than normal today (my own personal reasons there), but that's fine, and the past will be there too. Not too negative in number even if it is, though, as I guess I hit acceptance with most things, and there's also peace in a way, even if it doesn't stop the nightmares.