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30 Jul 2012, 5:35 pm

Infectious Threads is so awesome from what I've seen. I found an awesome skirt and some shirts too!! !!

And then there's Hot Topic. I want a blue hoodie(or black, I have not decided)that says YOLO. I also want some other things.

“There’s a lesson that we learn
In the pages that we burn
It’s written in the ashes of the fire below”
-Down, The Birthday Massacre


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31 Jul 2012, 6:33 pm

HA!! I was getting really jealous of a "Mister Social" guy at work getting promoted despite being terrible at the job - well it turns out the recent shirt & ties are not because he's on the edge of promotion - it's because he's on the edge of BEING CANNED! I've been told to keep doing what I'm doing - I'm doing great.



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01 Aug 2012, 8:20 am

i just came back from a walk at 22:30. it was lovely. i feel so serene now. things are quite different at night. dark, quiet, empty streets that you can tread lightly knowing nobody is watching and the night is just for you. the world is magical, somehow, in the dark. every backstreet is mysterious, every soft pool of light entrancing. i went exploring in my pyjamas- it was rather liberating.


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03 Aug 2012, 12:09 am

Ive found hope and light again, Ill be on top I can just feel it.


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25 Aug 2012, 6:05 am

Kind of proud of myself right now, which practically never happens.

I managed to do a public performance of 2 songs which was impromptu, playing piano and singing last night (I avoid singing in public if I can help it).
It actually went really well.

Although I made some of the girls cry - I blame that on the song though. :lol:

Diagnostic Tools and Resources for Women with AS:

Tufted Titmouse
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27 Sep 2012, 4:00 pm

good things about life- you only have one to bear


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12 Oct 2012, 11:20 am

If my parents wanted to make me better, they shoulda punished me by either punching me in the face or tasing me. And I would much prefer that, as I am tough on myself.


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

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Every day is a gift- cherish it!

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14 Oct 2012, 2:49 pm

My friends and family
My dog
Collecting action figures
Eating delicious food
Reading a great book


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24 Oct 2012, 10:33 pm

I recently started volunteering in a genetics lab! I'm very excited about it because I've been wanting to study genetics since I was 15 years old. It's an honor to be able to research before graduating high school. This might even lead to future internships.

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Emu Egg

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27 Oct 2012, 7:41 am

Alright, I ranted in the 'getting to know you' section. This is a rave that's related:

In disclosing my suspicion of Asperger's, I've had so much reaction to the contrary that it just proves the point! I've gotten so good at observing people in my 33 years on this planet that they can't possibly believe that I'm constantly anxious about interacting with them or that I ever had problems. I must be such a good observer that I've learned to apply the rules successfully enough to be liked! Yaay, me!


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31 Oct 2012, 7:44 am

Stupid f*****g scientists who make generalisations about entire populations based on the 23 Caucasian heterosexual 20-something-year-olds they found wandering around the campus. Or completely ignore the fact that bisexual people exist. "Oh, er, testosterone in the womb or something causes homosexuality" Ok, er, in some cases it contributes maybe? But then, like...why are these people attracted to both? Do they have differently wired brains to both? Shouldn't we, like, check?

Oh, you did an MRI of a woman orgasming, and now you know what orgasms look like in all brains? Did you do it with a man? Did you do it with several men and women? Oh, you just did it with one? That's terribly scientifically sound of you, here, look, I have a dog and when it barks it kind of sounds like it's saying hello. I'm absolutely sure all dogs bark like this, because of this one dog, and I'm not going to check it with other dogs, because god, I already did it with this dog.


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24 Dec 2012, 1:44 am

as problematic as sensory differences and emotional problems may be, i am in constant wonder at the sights...the sounds bother me, sometimes, but music can bring me to tears. and i enjoy textures almost too much. i am in wonder! i am amazed at 'pain', to me it seems a more intense kind of tactility. i love to feel things with my teeth and lips. i love everything sometimes! i love it all!
when i was a kid i would ROLL AROUND on fur, silk, anything i liked.
i remember being in the car beside my cousin, and we drove into the city at night and the lights were so cool to me that i was saying 'surprise! surprise!' and i was the only one surprised.
i love jumping around! i love...sights, textures...i love colors. i love BITING THINGS. i love this orange envelope, i love this dark, precious apple seed, i love to rub this bottlecap against my lips until the skin is raw. i love to move. the body is good. the mind...the mind is my enjoyer, i suppose. i wouldn't be able to properly appreciate any of this if not for it. but this was a paragraph about appreciating bodily things. the mind is not too fun sometimes.


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24 Dec 2012, 11:36 am

featherbrained wrote:
i was saying 'surprise! surprise!' and i was the only one surprised.

wow this line hit hard.
at first it cracked me up. so me. so true.

i was like this when I was little.
then after a million "i was the only one surprised", i would only share my excitement if something was Really cool. it was like they just couldn't see the amazing thing i was seeing.

even after a trllion "i was the only one surprised", i would still try to show only 'close' friends.

... i was still the only one surprised.

these days i keep that kind of thing stuffed under the black hole.
infinite gravity, no one can lift it to see what I know.
...gotta keep the loonies on the path.

so, you made me laugh,
but then not.
it's just that the line hit me hard.


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24 Dec 2012, 1:31 pm

they never are surprised, are they? sometimes children are.
i also keep it to myself.

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Sea Gull

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27 Dec 2012, 5:38 am

Yes! Ha! I'm finally done with getting the Chainsaw license. Finally! Although it only took about 4 weeks from start to finish. Now I don't have to drown in stress anymore because of this.


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31 Dec 2012, 11:45 am

my list of things that were good this year:
- spending invasion day with my comrades and chasing the opposition leader and prime minister down the road at an angry protest and nicking her shoe.
- having both my university and uac approve my course change so now i am doing arts/education and loving it.
- having centrelink approve payments for me and getting to move out so now i have a home and freedom, safety, i'm close to all my supports and i can have a life and not be permanently freaked out and i get to be happy which is nice.
- being able to pretend i have a cat. it was getting weird. like talking to my pet plants err... pot plants weird.
- best birthday ever. i have never been happy on my birthday but this time it was no fuss, no pressure, no yelling, no bad stuff happened and i spent it doing the things i love with people i like.
- getting to go to lebanon and do things i like like meeting HELEM, the queer rights group i have followed and respected since i was a kid and hanging with them excessively.