Cheerlessleader wrote:
Even though I'm not vegetarian anymore, the whole omnivore VS. vegetarian/vegan still really pisses me off! Sure, a very few vegetarians and vegans can be annoying when they tell you the truth about the meat industry, but most of them don't give a flying fork what you eat. And it does not justify non-vegetarians waving meat in their faces and spurting BS about how meat is good for you, how broccoli feels pain when it's harvested, how snakes, rabbits and mice get cought in crop rotaters. It does not justify 20 non-veggos bashing 1 vegan! I would never bash someone for their eating habits (unless of course, they were eating babies, or torturing cats and dogs, then killing and eating them, as they believe that torture equals taste, which they do in some countries.) I don't really care who's in the wrong, I don't care which way of life is healthier, BOTH GROUPS JUST NEED TO GET OFF THEIR SOAP BOXES AND JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!! (Go ahead and not bother to read this rant and just assume that I'm a narrow-minded vegan as*hole, as some member here kindly described me as once, just whining about carnivours killing and eating innocent animals. It's much easier than actually paying attention and trying to bring peace between both groups.)
The thing is, that vegetarians believe that they have the moral high ground, is so infuriating. Also, meat IS good for you. It's been proven that kids who are fed vegan diets don't grow up so well. Humans need protein and fatty acids from lesser animals for the proper growth of the brain. Adults might not need it so much, but children certainly do. And supplement tablets just don't do the job.
It's just a topic which pisses me off equally, in the opposite way. But I don't tend to rant that much about it, just when it's brought up.
Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!