I made this intelligent post in another forum.
""I can give you a bit of a technical answer.
When you were doing mediation regularly your brain started building connections ,or neural pathways inside you mind to make it possible to get into a meditative state faster and easier. This is why a seasoned monk can spend just a second trying to meditate and achieve a deep meditative state almost instantly. This is because they have spent years building up there neural pathways.
But since you have been doing it less your brain sees those unused neural pathways as unnecessary and over time abandons them, unless you use them again. So the more you practice, the more active those unused neural pathways will become. You will strengthen them and eventually you will find it easy to attain the meditative state you once did, with as much ease or more then you had before.
science is starting to discover that your brain is constantly rewiring itself. This this is why the more you practice at something the better you get. And the less you practice the more rusty your skills get.
This concept goes for just about everything. That's why they say practice makes perfect!
Good luck and happy meditations! ""