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14 Jul 2013, 9:02 pm

Interesting. My request to the government was finally granted. I am pleasantly surprised, as I thought it would fall on death ears.
If nothing else, this takes a giant load off and will allow me to focus on more important things.

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15 Jul 2013, 8:29 pm

Get rid of those people who want to make others feel useless by their actions on here

Blue Jay
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16 Jul 2013, 6:00 am

I love animals so much.

I saw a lot of dogs at the weekend, all shapes and sizes. They were so cute. I only got to pet one though, a crossbreed chihuahua/jack russell only a few weeks old! One day I will get a dog, when I have the time, money and location to do so. A big breed that I can cuddle and wrestle with.

There are a lot of cats near where I'm currently living, and my mom has a pet cat called Mommy Cat. She's always hungry but when I sit down and she sits on my lap and goes to sleep while I stroke her it's really nice. Very relaxing.

And I'm close enough to my dad's house that I can visit my pet rabbits. My sister lives there and has been looking after them for me while I look for a place to live. They're so cute, both are mostly white and they're enjoying the nice weather, spending all day frolicking out in the sun. They won't let me near them when they're outside but in the evening I sit with them in their room and stroke them. Apollo, the friendly one, sometimes climbs over me. Cumulonimbus is the shy one, she's almost blind, but she actually loves being stroked when you can get her to sit still and love you. She had incredibly soft fur. I lie down and cuddle with them because they hate being picked up. Typing about them makes me want to go give them a hug right now because I need the comfort!

Anyway, I love pets and animals! Even just watching the wild rabbits and the birds in the park yesterday was very calming. If I could I'd have a whole menagerie!

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20 Jul 2013, 8:54 pm



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02 Aug 2013, 10:04 pm

In March, I weighed 186 pounds, which is obese for a 5'5" tall man. Since I've been on the J.J. Virgin diet for 4 months now, I have lost 21 pounds. Yay! I'm still 20 pounds overweight, but I'm not obese anymore. Also, for the first time in my life, I am actually understanding limits; it is true that I had to look up the proofs of major theorems in the appendix of my Calculus book, but I understand them. I know that when I was 20, I had no idea what the Cauchy limit definition meant, and I think I did fail the tests on Limits back then (damn nervous breakdown...I can't remember). So, at 40, progress is being, if I could only understand

I do NOT recommend the J.J. Virgin diet, unless you are EXTREMELY SERIOUS and you will do anything to lose the weight (including changing your eating for perhaps the remaining part of your life - I really mean that). This is a very strict diet, folks - and it is hard to follow. If interested, look up J.J. Virgin. Don't ask me about it, as I only know little parts of that. She does have a book that explains her diet on her website, I think. This might sound like an advertisement, but I get no profit from this or mentioning her. Hell, I don't even know her!


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08 Aug 2013, 5:24 pm

StewartMango wrote:
Traditional Family Values

I was looking through some of my posts from 3-4 years ago and I was a lot more conservative back then. Yeah, I don't care for 'Traditional Family Values' anymore. I support same sex marriage and I also support single mothers/fathers just as long as they can properly raise their child(ren). I still am against teen pregnancy and always will be, but hey if by some miracle the teens can raise a decent human being without government assistance, than I say more power to them!
Yeah and I'm trying to get myself to like babies/children, but almost every child I encounter is a brat. I still want to stay childfree.

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05 Oct 2013, 9:52 pm

This won't start off good but will end that way.
A year ago some random person smashed me in the back of the head for no particular reason at all and I fell and broke my upper right arm. Losing use of an arm is never good especially if you are clumsily. Prognoses 3 months you would be good. Took a lot longer then that

This week x-ray showed arm ALL-HEALED.

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25 Oct 2013, 7:37 pm

The other day, we were driving down the road and saw that a dog got loose and was running around on the road. There was a relatively young woman chasing after said dog across the road, down the road, across the road, in the median. What makes me smile is that people were getting out of their cars to help the woman, even if it was smarter to slow down instead of blocking traffic. :)

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02 Nov 2013, 6:04 pm

So my sister's wedding is over..... WHEN WILL I GET MARRIED? Either Never, or in two years @ Dodger Stadium.


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10 Nov 2013, 7:46 am

Went through my entire closet and threw out 75% of the clothes in it. Cleaned out the entire wardrobe as well. Cleaned my entire room.

Now I have to go through and figure out which clothes I can sell and which I can give to charity and which to throw away. But all in all a very productive day.

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18 Nov 2013, 8:43 pm

I'm so tired. I cleaned my room a bit, but now I'm bored and sleepy (since I woke up early and slept early). What's a guy to do?


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

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11 Dec 2013, 5:31 am

Found out at the school awards ceremony today that I came top of the whole English course. My mother was up the back of the crowd, cheering, and my friends all congratulated me too.


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20 Dec 2013, 1:21 am

It finally happened. After 7 months of being on a diet, I am finally at my target weight! I must now re-adjust to this diet to make it a lifestyle now. I started at 186 pounds; at the height of 5'5", that is morbidly obese! I had to do something about it. Now I'm 146 pounds. Hard work does pay off at the end. Now to learn how to cook dinners, as I now can make my breakfast and lunch; but can not make suppers yet.


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10 Jan 2014, 9:37 pm

I wish I had a GF. It's going to happen this year, I know it! I am so excited.


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

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31 Jan 2014, 7:08 pm

ulgh. just ulgh.


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01 Feb 2014, 1:06 am

Cafeaulait, if that "ulgh" meant my face is ugly; then yeah, I know I'm ugly - at least I'm honest. If not, everything okay with you? If not, I hope things improve for you. :-) (in a very sincere tone)