Dear You,
I have a level 85 Paladin, a level 82 Shadow Priest, and I'm currently leveling a Warrior through Northrend, although I spend most of my time tanking instances in the Dungeon Finder. I've held off on getting Mist Of Pandoria because I got burned out on endgame progression after Wrath of the Lich King, and the Cataclysm content is still new to me. Plus, Monks seem redundant in an era of dual specialization and viable hybrid DPS, and while I know they are well-established in the lore, Pandoria does not appeal to me. So I'm wrapping up a Taunka questline in the Borean Tundra, trying to determine if I should go to Dragonblight or Grizzly hills, and now you know how I feel when you won't shut up about your favorite conspiracy theories!