Just a gift from the void, my thoughts aren't amiss and I reminisce.
I know it was hard for you to say such, to share such, and thank you so much. That's the courage I've mentioned, read, and the beauty I see, which helped me in the mental holes. Your worth and value, ascended ascension, but low-tension lines were cut by life's fines; finding you you're a find found forever beyond the tears' sea's Dead Sea Scrolls. I could never tell you that, as I was afraid of losing all light if losing you, I loved you too much, so I turned to missing you too much as a crutch for far too many years. I dunno if telling you this makes you feel better, as it's my intent, just that you're worth more than you maybe think, as whilst I might not be much, never godsent, likely hellsent, I can see beauty from being shown so much ugliness, feeling so much ugly, with all the suffering of souls and the imprints of my soles.
You're beautiful.