Every girl looks beautiful to them; lots of them are rather desperate.
Now here's Ana's therapy rant of the day.
My father, the same day when I was 14 that he was telling me I now actually looked like a teenage girl after losing weight, said that he doubted I was AS and said I just never developed social freedom and social skills because my mother always kept me inside all to herself and was a snob and never let me go out and mingle with the other kids down the street where a lot of them lived in the cheap apartments near the strip mall. He said later on that day that my overweightness was probably the reason I was unpopular in grade 7 or had no friends in grade 7 or something and I said well there were people way fatter than me at that school who had lots of friends and he said "Well, they have personality or something." It was true, I was a shy little mouse who only spoke up in class when we were having class discussions or with my acquaintances when they talked to me and I was sure I wasn't going to bother them. It killed me to hear that. Because I didn't have much personality, did I...? Well, I thought "I did. I had a little...
My dad hated the fact that I was a wimp and a coward, as did my mom. My dad hated that and got mad at me for it in grade 8, but that was understandable. I mean, not his meanness, but his logic. That I came home and complained but never did a thing about it, never stuck up for myself at school. He didn't know why though, how I felt, my circumstances, so he was still being a piece of s**t in my book. Though this horrible part of me thought OMG he's right I'm a loser I'm a wimp I'm a coward I desreve to be picked on and OMGOMGOMG.
My mother said that I deserved to be picked on because in grade 9 after a being-picked-on incident the principal said I could be switched to the international program but my mother said I should remain in the English program for the rest of the year which was probably over, and I didn't want to and would rather go into the international program and pretend they put me there because I was smart and more advanced in French than them (I was, but not by much). She exclaimed seriously, I think angrily, I think it was yelling, "You deserve to be picked on if you have no courage! You deserve what you get for running away!" Whoa. I didn't know this was a competition.
I was 13 the first time my dad said I always screwed up and when he started calling me hopeless. I think my mother started calling me hopeless when I was 14. If I wasn't so scared he would call me hopeless if I screwed up I would probably have screwed up less. I was so stressed; there was all this homework and they expected us to do it all and I don't know how some of them got such high marks. They were stimulated enough inside or tortured into doing it or something. One term I think we had 40 projects. Plus homework from all our classes, of course.
Once my dad yelled at me and called me names and twice he told my mother I needed it. That it was good discipline or something. That I needed to be shocked into obeying orr doing something right or something. Once my dad said something abotu homework, I think, and my mom said when I came home that day I started on homework right away and he said "See? She needs it." Meaning that I needed to be yelled at with hatred in his voice, cursed, and called names like hopeless, useless, stupid and dysfunctional and inept like my mother, etc. My mother said "No, she always does her homewoek first thign when she gets home." So there. This was in grade 7. I started slacking in grade 8.
Thanks for listening to my presentation.