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07 Jun 2009, 4:25 am

FieryGatoh wrote:
I was diagnosed with Depression at the beginning of this year, after several months of difficultly. Although I don't think my family are willing to accept it.

Try eating healthy, with a bit of chocolate or something tasty on the side, doing exercise, doing some of the things you love and pretty much just working to keep your mind focused on something other than how depressed you feel ;)

I have my ups and downs, but I just try to keep busy.

Good advice ! !

Try and avoid the NEWS and newspapers as they are full of sad / bad news !

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07 Jun 2009, 7:43 am

I would never use illegal drugs. I listen to trance music that I download some times, also some other music. I stay up late because when I go to bed I am too angry to sleep. I shout and scream in my room but nobody hears. I would otherwise take this advices but I just want to cease to exist


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07 Jun 2009, 8:43 am

Everyone is different and the things that work for some may not work for others. Depression and Asperger’s Syndrome are known to go hand in hand. Sometimes it is because of our very nasty experiences in life or perhaps it is just because of how our brains are wired. For me it tends to be a bit of both. Like many others who are on the spectrum, I have been treated very badly by others. But I have also noticed that these moods do come and go without any external stimuli. It is almost as if the gears in my head cyclically fall out of sync and causes a jarring sense of disconnect. As it comes and so it passes. It can be difficult to look forward at the bottom of the pit, but I try to and that helps.

Exercise can also be very beneficial. I spend at least an hour every day exercising. My routine involves calisthenics like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and so on. I also walk a few miles each day to get to where I need to be and that helps much like a giant stim would. I usually work out until I sweat profusely and find that the exhaustion which comes from accumulating lactic acid in my muscles seems to reset my switches; an effect that is similar to “unlocking” my brain. If exercise is not your thing, try stretching. It sounds simple but if you do it right it can help you “reach” into the parts of the brain that is causing the problem. In a sense that is the premise of yoga.

But even as you write on this forum requesting help, you should know that none of us can actually do much for you because we are not you and do not understand your circumstances. Much of the advice that has poured forth actually calls for you to better understand yourself and to take control of how you choose to live your life.

Sea Gull
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07 Jun 2009, 11:40 am

blabla2 wrote:
w w w. erowid . o r g/ experiences /e xp . p h p?I D= 26113
Rather kill you're self?

blabla2 wrote:
Cannabis is a very safe well documented drug for treating depression.
Heres the deal man

blabla2 wrote:
If its the first one YOU NEED MEDICINE
If its the second one YOU NEED TO FIX YOU'RE LIFE
Now back to this (I assume its a chemcial imbalance but you tell me)
You tried a bunch of anit depressents and they didn't work right?

blabla2 wrote:
Try cannabis.

blabla2 wrote:
Did you read the story in that link?

blabla2 wrote:
I have depression and have had it my whole life (thought it was normal till I had to much external factors and snaped)(the person in that story isn't me just thought it would help you)
I have kept from offing myself by doing one thing
Without it it (if I had never found it) I would not be here today I assure you.
Every time I run out I become suicidle and do exactly what you do every night
Ever second I am without it I am like you
But with it I am normal and fine.

I'd like to know what your definition of "normal and fine" is. Do you have a job? wife? children?
blabla2 wrote:
Fact is I have a chemicall imbalance I am not depressed because my life sucks I am depressed because MY BRAIN WORKS LIKE THAT I CAN'T HELP IT no matter what I will always be depressed unless I am medicated.
I know it is hard to find and get cannabis I know when you run out you go right back where you started I know it sucks but thats how it is.
Do you know why it is illegal?

Yes. And you don't
blabla2 wrote:
Why would a drug that treats more conditions than ANY OTHER DRUG that has VERY SAFE side effects that is a SAFER RECREATIONAL ALTERNATIVE TO ALCOHOL be illigal?
Because it is a great medicine
Head aches
pms cramps
muscle cramps
pain killer
asthma medicine
nausia cure
anti depresent
westco astc annabis . c o m / p hysicians / granny - storm - crows - l is t /
^ take out the spaces that is the great list of cannabis medical uses
depression is in there
Medicine companies pay to keep it illigal because if it was legal you would grow medicine in you're back yard and never buy it from them Sad, hard to belive, but very very true.
That is my advice I am sorry for you. I don't think you will take it to heart and you may do what I would have done without it
Really hope you don't
What do you have to loose, Right?

Good point
blabla2 wrote:
just do it safe and don't over do it you don't have to be "high" to fix you're brain The anti depresent qualities kick in way before the high.
It's illegal and I'm one of those people that follow Romans 13. Not that I care. Lot of people nicer than you give me advice and I ignore it too. but that's just the "depression talking" isn't it. I spent the last 3 hours or so swearing at God telling him how much I hate him
Zeno wrote:
Everyone is different and the things that work for some may not work for others. Depression and Asperger’s Syndrome are known to go hand in hand. Sometimes it is because of our very nasty experiences in life or perhaps it is just because of how our brains are wired. For me it tends to be a bit of both. Like many others who are on the spectrum, I have been treated very badly by others. But I have also noticed that these moods do come and go without any external stimuli. It is almost as if the gears in my head cyclically fall out of sync and causes a jarring sense of disconnect. As it comes and so it passes. It can be difficult to look forward at the bottom of the pit, but I try to and that helps.

For me it's a lot of both. Sometimes depression comes from external stimuli and sometimes not.
Zeno wrote:
Exercise can also be very beneficial. I spend at least an hour every day exercising. My routine involves calisthenics like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and so on. I also walk a few miles each day to get to where I need to be and that helps much like a giant stim would. I usually work out until I sweat profusely and find that the exhaustion which comes from accumulating lactic acid in my muscles seems to reset my switches; an effect that is similar to “unlocking” my brain. If exercise is not your thing, try stretching. It sounds simple but if you do it right it can help you “reach” into the parts of the brain that is causing the problem. In a sense that is the premise of yoga.

You're probably right
Zeno wrote:
But even as you write on this forum requesting help, you should know that none of us can actually do much for you because we are not you and do not understand your circumstances. Much of the advice that has poured forth actually calls for you to better understand yourself and to take control of how you choose to live your life.
Right now I don't want to do anything to get better I just want to cease to exist. I guess I will dawdle to 17th June, see the psych, then dawdle some more, like I have the last two years or so. At around 14th June is an opportunity. Then again I haven't taken the last ten or so opportunities


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07 Jun 2009, 1:27 pm

mosto wrote:
Please someone post what is a good effective treatment of depression in people with Aspergers , or I might be in serious trouble

I don't think there really is much of one.

I've taken anti-depressants for a year and a half, I'm not so much sad anymore, but I'm pretty emotionless and boring as a result. I don't really take much joy out of life, I just let time pass me by.

A pill can't cure social awkwardness, though, and I've learned, no matter what pills I take, my problems are still there. (hey, it's probably the same with alcohol, so avoid that too.)

If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.

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07 Jun 2009, 2:57 pm

Mosto, have you tried going on a gluten , ( and/or casein ) exclusion diet?

I used to experience recurrent depression, sometimes suicidal, and also hypo-mania, anxiety, etc.

Diet is the one thing that has really helped, completely.


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08 Jun 2009, 5:42 am

I didn't walk to church on Sunday because I had to give my mum a lift. Then I slept from 2am this morning to 6pm this afternoon

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08 Jun 2009, 5:48 am

This evening just after I made the post at 7:46 I had a major breakdown because I couldn't find the sheet to see if I was rostered and they rung me to ask why I wasn't at work. But no one saw me. Worst I have been in a few weeks. Not that it causes a problem. Very hard to stand up let alone make arrangements

Snowy Owl
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08 Jun 2009, 6:58 am


Can I just say from my own experience...I was depressed at 18 for around four years. At that point I was experiencing much doom and wanted to end it all on many occasions. I was'nt medicated and I didn't seek any help for it whatsoever.

It got to the point where I knew that something had to change. I had to start to change my way of thinking. When you put effort into being positive... as hard as that is when you are depressed... you will attract new people and positive events into your life.

I look at my life now... have a great hubby and two beautiful kids. If I had of ended my life when I wanted to, I would never have had this wonderful life I have now.

What I'm trying to say is that you dont want to end it all now as you don't know what you will be missing out on later on, you just dont' know what is out there waiting for you.

EVERYONE has a purpose in life... including you. You were put on this planet to make a difference to someone or something.

Hang in there Matey, You are worth it and someone one day will prove it to you and hopefully you can prove that to yourself... good things will come... but you have to want them. Start doing things for yourself that are positive and positive will come your way.

Maybe I'm right? Maybe I'm wrong? But how will you ever know unless you give it a go ;)

ETA: Dont give up searching for a good Doctor or Psych. I'm surprised there's not a Psych in Sydney who specializes in ASD's? They have to be out there...keep searching and keep chatting to people...

Maybe even start a journal and only write Positive things that have happened in your day. if it's only one positive a day you will soon build it up each day. Start off with small positives... it's a start Eg; I ate something I enjoyed, or I went 10min without feeling angry, I watched a program I enjoyed etc etc.

From a Mothers point of veiw... If any of my children commited suicide... It would be the end of me... It would kill me. My kids ARE my life. Please do not only yourself a favour, but your Mum too... She loves you dearly, trust me.

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08 Jun 2009, 11:21 am

Thank you 2precioussouls, it's good that you have some children now and that you actually are happy about that. Thanks for encouragement. I have had very much anger tonight. I want to go to sleep now but I can't. My mum won't give me any more diazepam. Feel strange asking the doctor for another script which is one bottle only, 25 tablets, 250mg only. Your life became good. One person who I really look up to says that suicide is selfish. Some people say that it is cowardly. One website which claims to be Christians says all people who suicide go to heaven. I would post links but would probably get banned. Good ideas to say one thing good in a day. I just don't want to get better but that's not me talking. It's 2am here now no one is around, I just sit watch tv. If I go to bed there I will start screaming at God. My GP thinks that is because I am no longer on Largactil. No I know of know psychiatrists that know about Aspergers. Someone called Stewart Einfeld refused to see me after much red tape to get to talk to him in the first place. It said on TV today that the suicide rate in Australia has halved. They said the internet makes depressed people easier to reach out for help. In my case I can get useful information off the internet. If I survive I'll be put back in a place like Cumberland again. So I have to make sure I don't. You be getting a bit p**ed off about now because you all care about me and try to help me but I don't change. I should get private health insurance there's nothing better I can do with my money. But won't do me much good unless I "choose to get better". Yes my mum doesn't deserve to be sad. Sort of. Don't know what my purpose is. The worst times are times like now. When I realise there is no point. The best times are when I am asleep. What good thing happened today. I had a glass of diet lemonade. oh, and news of Andrew and Nick. Shame no one else at church appreciates it. They might if they had Aspergers


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08 Jun 2009, 12:30 pm

Mosto, I don't think you're "doing nothing to change." I think your coming here and posting time after time is a definite sign that you are trying to figure out how to help yourself. That it hasn't lit up your world like Christmas yet is're on the right road, doing what you can do. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as they say, and right now your steps are to keep posting about how lousy you feel. That can open things up just enough for you to move a little higher out of the abyss, and then a little higher...till you've got a handle on what makes you feel this way and how to keep it at bay.

Nobody here's pissed at you for not suddenly being all "oh, wow! you guys are right! Now I'm feeling a thousand times better!" We've all been in that pit, and indeed, when you're there you DON'T want to feel it's incredibly strong of you to post here in spite of that. Good work. Keep it up. :-)

Much madness is divinest sense, to a discerning eye; much sense, the starkest madness. --Emily Dickinson

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08 Jun 2009, 12:42 pm

Yes I am posting here and soon I will see the new psychologist on 17th June. I will go to bed now see if I can go to sleep

Snowy Owl
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09 Jun 2009, 2:57 am

mosto wrote:
Thank you 2precioussouls, it's good that you have some children now and that you actually are happy about that. Thanks for encouragement. I have had very much anger tonight. I want to go to sleep now but I can't. My mum won't give me any more diazepam. Feel strange asking the doctor for another script which is one bottle only, 25 tablets, 250mg only. Your life became good. One person who I really look up to says that suicide is selfish. Some people say that it is cowardly. One website which claims to be Christians says all people who suicide go to heaven. I would post links but would probably get banned. Good ideas to say one thing good in a day. I just don't want to get better but that's not me talking. It's 2am here now no one is around, I just sit watch tv. If I go to bed there I will start screaming at God. My GP thinks that is because I am no longer on Largactil. No I know of know psychiatrists that know about Aspergers. Someone called Stewart Einfeld refused to see me after much red tape to get to talk to him in the first place. It said on TV today that the suicide rate in Australia has halved. They said the internet makes depressed people easier to reach out for help. In my case I can get useful information off the internet. If I survive I'll be put back in a place like Cumberland again. So I have to make sure I don't. You be getting a bit p**ed off about now because you all care about me and try to help me but I don't change. I should get private health insurance there's nothing better I can do with my money. But won't do me much good unless I "choose to get better". Yes my mum doesn't deserve to be sad. Sort of. Don't know what my purpose is. The worst times are times like now. When I realise there is no point. The best times are when I am asleep. What good thing happened today. I had a glass of diet lemonade. oh, and news of Andrew and Nick. Shame no one else at church appreciates it. They might if they had Aspergers

Mosto, If I had a magic wand to take away your depression I'd do it!

You say you just dont want to get better... but that's not you talking... Do you have voices in your head telling you this?

Do you think that your meds are all wrong? Perhaps when they are sorted out to suit you things will improve?

Do you know what specifically you are depressed about (sorry if you've already talked about this, i've only read a few posts...dont have a great deal of time) or do you think it's mostly chemical imbalance?

You say that you had bipolar, does this run in your family?

Are you involved in a support group of people who have aspergers other than online?

What kind of work do you do?

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09 Jun 2009, 4:33 am

2PreciousSouls wrote:
Mosto, If I had a magic wand to take away your depression I'd do it!
You say you just dont want to get better... but that's not you talking... Do you have voices in your head telling you this?

No, at least not apart from my own. Every time I ring the 1800 number they ask, "are you hearing voices?" Even when they know me for a long time. And every nurse in hospital
2PreciousSouls wrote:
Do you think that your meds are all wrong? Perhaps when they are sorted out to suit you things will improve?

I'm happy to take whatever meds recommended, but they all know I have tried all classes antidepressant, antipsychotic, mood stabiliser etc
2PreciousSouls wrote:
Do you know what specifically you are depressed about (sorry if you've already talked about this, i've only read a few posts...dont have a great deal of time) or do you think it's mostly chemical imbalance?

Lots of things. The fact I have Aspergers. What Aspergers causes me to think. How Aspergers prevents a relationship. Many things about the world which it is prohibited to talk about them on this web site
2PreciousSouls wrote:
You say that you had bipolar, does this run in your family?

Apparently my dad had it, but I'm not sure, he was/is just an idiot
2PreciousSouls wrote:
Are you involved in a support group of people who have aspergers other than online?

No. I been to a few of those groups and hated it
2PreciousSouls wrote:
What kind of work do you do?
I work in a call centre


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09 Jun 2009, 4:43 am

My depression eased off a lot in my twenties, I only considered suicide once, as a teenager, and rejected it - with aspie 'rigid thinking' I never changed my mind about that. I'd only describe myself as a pessimist these days.

I do regard suicide as wrong, I know satan is always thrilled to get someone to top themselves, so why give him what he wants?

Anyways, hope you're feeling better.

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09 Jun 2009, 5:08 am

I am in the last year of my twenties, no sign of the depression going away. Satan affects my thoughts of suicide only to the extent that God allows it. I get the gist of your point but what exactly is "wrong" about suicide? From the subject's point of view that is. I tried to talk about this with my pastors and they were very nice, and very gentle, and sincere in caring for me, I guess because they felt you should be very careful in what you say to a suicidal person, but did not answer my question. The closest I have ever come to an answer is two sermons from my previous pastor (who I regard as the best I've ever had), the first about how Jonah told God he would rather die than go and preach to the Ninivites, and he commented "This seems to be his answer to everything!" and Job's decision to ignore his wife's suggestion to "curse God and die". In both cases, the implication was that it's just silly to want to die, and that God didn't really take those comments too seriously (and by extention, that we, as Christians, should never have a valid reason to want to die). Of course, in both books, Job and Jonah, they had a happy ending. But is that guaranteed for everyone?