I want to kill myself because I am an aspie

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18 Aug 2009, 2:29 pm

ericc wrote:
Fickle_Pickle wrote:

I still want to kill myself. I too hate aspies. (most likely out of jealousy of them for their self-acceptance) I'm still ignorantly thinking I do not have the aspie "look". I'm interested in clothes just like a NT female. But can't understand other people very well, can't control my meltdowns, my family's solution to this is just to "keep my mouth shut and keep the feelings to myself. Pretty hard to do so, when the tard rage EXPLODES out of me!! I get the sensation as the anger from the meltdown is spewing out violently, so I can't push it back.

Well you know, not all Aspies are a like.

I know, but I HATE being the type of Aspie that I am! :x


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19 Aug 2009, 9:24 am

Fickle_Pickle wrote:
ericc wrote:
Fickle_Pickle wrote:

I still want to kill myself. I too hate aspies. (most likely out of jealousy of them for their self-acceptance) I'm still ignorantly thinking I do not have the aspie "look". I'm interested in clothes just like a NT female. But can't understand other people very well, can't control my meltdowns, my family's solution to this is just to "keep my mouth shut and keep the feelings to myself. Pretty hard to do so, when the tard rage EXPLODES out of me!! I get the sensation as the anger from the meltdown is spewing out violently, so I can't push it back.

Well you know, not all Aspies are a like.

I know, but I HATE being the type of Aspie that I am! :x

But will hateing yourself help? I'm sure that its probably the environment you're in. L.A is a very odd place from my perceptive too many people. When I feel over whelmed by people I wonder in the forest around home look at how things are from a nonhuman point of view I really hope I could or can help you. No word brings me so much pain as the word "normal"


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19 Aug 2009, 12:17 pm

Ebonwinter wrote:
Fickle_Pickle wrote:
ericc wrote:
Fickle_Pickle wrote:

I still want to kill myself. I too hate aspies. (most likely out of jealousy of them for their self-acceptance) I'm still ignorantly thinking I do not have the aspie "look". I'm interested in clothes just like a NT female. But can't understand other people very well, can't control my meltdowns, my family's solution to this is just to "keep my mouth shut and keep the feelings to myself. Pretty hard to do so, when the tard rage EXPLODES out of me!! I get the sensation as the anger from the meltdown is spewing out violently, so I can't push it back.

Well you know, not all Aspies are a like.

I know, but I HATE being the type of Aspie that I am! :x

But will hateing yourself help? I'm sure that its probably the environment you're in. L.A is a very odd place from my perceptive too many people. When I feel over whelmed by people I wonder in the forest around home look at how things are from a nonhuman point of view I really hope I could or can help you. No word brings me so much pain as the word "normal"

There's nothing else I can do.


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19 Aug 2009, 12:33 pm

Do you have a special interest? Maybe try to find a social group around your area or around your state, therefore you might meet friends that you can relate too and hopefally people who won't upset you on a daily basis.


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19 Aug 2009, 6:49 pm

ericc wrote:
Do you have a special interest? Maybe try to find a social group around your area or around your state, therefore you might meet friends that you can relate too and hopefally people who won't upset you on a daily basis.

I already do have friendships like that. I feel so ashamed, but helpless. Note I hate myself and want to commit suicide for being an aspie when I'm ANTI-aspie. So, I would discourage indulging in special interests. And the sad thing is, the people who upset me can do so without doing anything, as the memories of them haunt and torment me. Because I know they will tend to engage in trying to beat me down again in the exact same way. :cry:


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19 Aug 2009, 7:38 pm

Fickle_Pickle wrote:
I had no idea where my excessive naivety came from, but now I do. Just because I'm high-functioning doesn't mean I am almost NT. I see I am worthless, and even though I am only a sex toy because I am a woman (who is shy because she is socially awkward), I am a pathetic lower-life form, who won't amount to anything unless I adopt more more "NT" instincts. Either I do so or die. And you in your early 20's and beyond will find this ridiculous and laugh because you're already past this. If any of you remember how it felt like, you will also remember how hideously painful it feels.
i know this is long but i recommend reading what i have to say in it's entirety :)

i'm in that stage right now so i know entirely how that feels. i'm around that same age.

but being a guy instead of a cute girl i don't even really have the option of being a sextoy.

i live with a constant sense of despair, loneliness, confusion, and feelings of utter worthlessness and self-loathing. and the depression feels like it's slowly killing me and eroding at my sense of being like a cancer. the emotional pain feeling like lancing lightning bolts overwhelming my pysche.

but, you know what? i keep going on. because i'll never find out if things could've gotten better if i offed myself. that and i'm afraid even more of the emptiness and even greater solitude and resignation that death offers than i am of living a life where my success is greatly uncertain.

if you have myspace or facebook feel free to add me if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to. i can understand your situation more than you might know. and having a rock to anchor your sanity and self-respect to can make all th difference in the world. at times everyone just needs someone to care.

if you can hold on, then you are greatly admirable in your endurance. it's when you give in to thoughts about not being able to hold it togther anymore and let it go that that endurance fails. stay admirable, if not to others, than to yourself. and know that even when it looks like no one does, even if you don't notice, people do notice you, there is a great chance that someone cares, that someone has the potential to care. it's only finding them or even recognizing this at times which is the difficult part.

go do something to give yourself more confidence in yourself: go take a class, if you wear glasses get contacts, try out new stylers of clothing that you suspected would look good on you but you were too self-conscious to try, take a step out of your quiet comfort zone and enable yourself to become noticeable as the person you are inside through your actions and appearance if even though you might be terrible at expressing it vocally like most of us are. there are so many possibilities for positive change, so many avenues. people like us can forget that sometimes.

hope i've helped in some way. if not, then just for the sake of it i urge you not to give in to such negative feelings in such a way.

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22 Aug 2009, 12:23 pm

Fickle_Pickle wrote:
I had no idea where my excessive naivety came from, but now I do. Just because I'm high-functioning doesn't mean I am almost NT. I see I am worthless, and even though I am only a sex toy because I am a woman (who is shy because she is socially awkward), I am a pathetic lower-life form, who won't amount to anything unless I adopt more more "NT" instincts. Either I do so or die. And you in your early 20's and beyond will find this ridiculous and laugh because you're already past this. If any of you remember how it felt like, you will also remember how hideously painful it feels.

my teenage years have involved wishing that too and Now at a slightly good time since leaving for college(I start on monday) I've realised how theres a whole other heap of problems when you're a girl aspie..I read your post and recognised a lot of recent feelings in my self.a few weeks ago I let a boy do things I was terrifed of just to please him and now feel very weak and naive for doing so.I felt like I was having an outer-body experiance during it and do a lot in intimate events.i'm no where over it either and dunno if I'll ever be able to let a boy sleep with me but I know if you're like any of the other girl aspies I've meet then you're a brave amazing person who on top of the normal aspie problems has to cope with being female and will do so wonderfully even if its terribly difficult to at times.
If you ever need to just have someone to talk to about this kind of stuff then just give me a message or ask for something like my myspace and I'll listen.


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19 Oct 2010, 5:00 am

i find this whole topic confusing and pointless why do people waste their lives to suicide?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Oct 2010, 7:10 pm

Being an aspie isn't bad. It just makes you unique in many ways.


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23 Oct 2010, 10:18 pm

I'm in my 40s and having AS still sucks monkey. Dunno what else to say. If I had no kids I'd not be here three or four times over. I'm so tired of being thrown away like a piece of trash after ppl bang on about how (smart, unique, whatever the bleeping sh*t) I'm supposed to be for just long enough to get me to give a rat's posterior about them that I just want to barf. Unless I can figure out how people work I'm outta here after my youngest turns 18 (8 years, 1 month, 6 days).


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24 Oct 2010, 2:15 am

Fickle_Pickle wrote:
I had no idea where my excessive naivety came from, but now I do. Just because I'm high-functioning doesn't mean I am almost NT. I see I am worthless, and even though I am only a sex toy because I am a woman (who is shy because she is socially awkward), I am a pathetic lower-life form, who won't amount to anything unless I adopt more more "NT" instincts. Either I do so or die. And you in your early 20's and beyond will find this ridiculous and laugh because you're already past this. If any of you remember how it felt like, you will also remember how hideously painful it feels.

Indeed it was, but after years of trying to implant that non-existent social gene in me, I gave up. Running after approval of some folks who think that Big Brother or lady gaga is the peak of entertainment is as futile as running after a water stream. They can think of me whatever hell they want - I honestly couldn't care less, except when I'm going to job interviews or other matters important for bare survival.

Perhaps I'm being blasphemous, but I don't think that bunch of usually irrational, subjective and emotional peeps who's only purpose seems to be fitting in the social stream and showing others how great, smart and socially successful they are and is worth killing yourself - YMMV of course.


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24 Oct 2010, 3:41 am

You are right. And there should be more aspies and less NT's. The dumb NT's are living life regardless of how stupid they are while the smart aspies who could actually contribute and change the world are offing themselves. It's ridiculous. Aspies need to realize that they are here to create new things with their awesome brains while the NT's keep destroying everything with their stupidity. You HAVE to feel alienated in this world because the majority of people here are ret*d but you came here to clean up and fix the problem. You just have to overlook the stupidity of these people and get to work.


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24 Oct 2010, 8:46 am

To f**k or to not give a f**k, that is the question.
f**k f**k f**k f**k fuckem, that's what I said to myself one day.
There are idiots, f*****g idiots and really nice people in the world. and I think I fall into the latter.
If they shout s**t at me from a car window, well it ain't their fault they where born and made ignorant pricks.
So fuckem
fuckem all.

now that all the f***s are f****d and they've f****d of I can get on being my nice self, watching all the s**t happen like a movie going buy. Because I found out I'm not the only nice person in the world, there are others, and we all stick together like s**t on a stick.

I could kill myself, it would probably be a bit less troublesome for me, but then I wouldn't have the pleasure of those nice people who want me, and laughing inside when the f*****g idiots shout s**t at me, or watch them crawl when I speak the truth and their lies end up crippling them.

and hey, the f*****g idiots would have to find someone else to try and poke fun at, who may not be laughing back.

sure, feeling like your appreciated, because you a good f**k, not a f*****g idiot feels, well better than the other options. A lot of my female friends went through similar phases when they where around your age and younger. I've still got one friend who has issues with not being accepted and feeling like a freak, for who no amount of masturbation has stopped her picking up the odd guy from the pub.

But we all still love her, and she loves herself for that. Though it took a while to get her to feel more comfortable about herself.

I'm a bloke and kind of feel like a sex doll in a way, the school f****d with me, the Dr's f****d with me, work f****d with me, the system f****d with me. But that's not my school, my Dr, my Work, My system. So fuckem fuckem all.

I'm off to make some noises of wind switching through the trees and then probably write a soppy poem to my mate, and feel a bit embarrassed later, only to get an even soppier reply. And pop round her house and act like a pair of delinquent five year olds. Then go home to my Mrs, have a shower, cook diner, dance. Cheer her up a bit, cos she's all upset about having her hours changed at work and her plans changing. Go to bed, wake up the next day a happy AS man, with my wonderful AS partner, only to open a letter from the Dr, completely crash for a few hours and then think, fuckem

I don't need the f***s, so fuckem, fuckem all.

Hope I put enough f***s in their for you, to keep you going for a while. I'm sure if you open the window you'll see plenty more walk past, and maybe, if you look closely some really wonderful people thrown in the mix, oh and that crisp packet that's moved a little bit down the road from where it was a week ago.


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24 Oct 2010, 8:56 am

SaNcheNuSS wrote:
You are right. And there should be more aspies and less NT's. The dumb NT's are living life regardless of how stupid they are while the smart aspies who could actually contribute and change the world are offing themselves. It's ridiculous. Aspies need to realize that they are here to create new things with their awesome brains while the NT's keep destroying everything with their stupidity. You HAVE to feel alienated in this world because the majority of people here are ret*d but you came here to clean up and fix the problem. You just have to overlook the stupidity of these people and get to work.

And what about when fellow aspies hurt you too?


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24 Oct 2010, 3:11 pm

If you are a vergin - you are not a sex toy
If you are suicidal, there are much quicker and less painfull ways to go than courting an STD

It sounds like you are aspiring to be a sex toy because you have been taught to abuse yourself

If you want that wonderfull magical feeling that sex is supposed to be,

It will not come from strangers or users or creeps, they will only lead you closer to this horible feeling that has led you to post on suicide.

Here are a few rules that will lead to GREAT SEX (boys pay attention too)

Never ever have sex with someone who has not already proven they are worthy of being your BEST FREIND

Establish over a long period of time they are indeed YOUR BEST FRIEND

Ask yourself - Do I completely trust this person with my life? - in today's day and age we're talking about AIDS so make sure you know the answer to this one, then get them tested.

I'm not condeming casual sex in any way, but as an aspie, I believe that we are better safe than sorry and that casual sex requires a degree of social intuition we may not be equipped with. If you don't want to abuse yourself - don't set yourself up for abuse. If they won't be your best freind without screwing you then they aren't sex worthy IMO


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28 Mar 2011, 4:22 pm

oliverthered wrote:
To f**k or to not give a f**k, that is the question.
f**k f**k f**k f**k f****, that's what I said to myself one day.
There are idiots, f***ing idiots and really nice people in the world. and I think I fall into the latter.
If they shout sh** at me from a car window, well it ain't their fault they where born and made ignorant pricks.
So f****
f**** all.

now that all the f**** are f**** and they've f**** of I can get on being my nice self, watching all the sh** happen like a movie going buy. Because I found out I'm not the only nice person in the world, there are others, and we all stick together like sh** on a stick.

I could kill myself, it would probably be a bit less troublesome for me, but then I wouldn't have the pleasure of those nice people who want me, and laughing inside when the f***ing idiots shout sh** at me, or watch them crawl when I speak the truth and their lies end up crippling them.

and hey, the f***ing idiots would have to find someone else to try and poke fun at, who may not be laughing back.

sure, feeling like your appreciated, because you a good f**k, not a f***ing idiot feels, well better than the other options. A lot of my female friends went through similar phases when they where around your age and younger. I've still got one friend who has issues with not being accepted and feeling like a freak, for who no amount of masturbation has stopped her picking up the odd guy from the pub.

But we all still love her, and she loves herself for that. Though it took a while to get her to feel more comfortable about herself.

I'm a bloke and kind of feel like a sex doll in a way, the school f**** with me, the Dr's f**** with me, work f**** with me, the system f**** with me. But that's not my school, my Dr, my Work, My system. So f**** f**** all.

I'm off to make some noises of wind switching through the trees and then probably write a soppy poem to my mate, and feel a bit embarrassed later, only to get an even soppier reply. And pop round her house and act like a pair of delinquent five year olds. Then go home to my Mrs, have a shower, cook diner, dance. Cheer her up a bit, cos she's all upset about having her hours changed at work and her plans changing. Go to bed, wake up the next day a happy AS man, with my wonderful AS partner, only to open a letter from the Dr, completely crash for a few hours and then think, f****

I don't need the f****, so f****, f**** all.

Hope I put enough f**** in their for you, to keep you going for a while. I'm sure if you open the window you'll see plenty more walk past, and maybe, if you look closely some really wonderful people thrown in the mix, oh and that crisp packet that's moved a little bit down the road from where it was a week ago.

I totally know how you feel. Totally.
