Why did God make people with AS?

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19 Nov 2009, 6:37 am

velodog wrote:
leejosepho wrote:
It is interesting that people either ignorantly or arrogantly presume to blame God when something does not seem right and then turn around and ignorantly or arrogantly presume to take the credit when all is well!

I find it just as ridiculous when religious people give God credit for all that goes well and blame the devil, other people or themselves when things go bad. It is sort of like sucking up to a crappy foreman who steps up to take a bow when things go well and blames the crew when things don't go well. But it really isn't that surprising that some feel such love, some call it terror or Stockholm Syndrome, for a capricious being that will readily toss them in a lake of fire for not smooching his keester.

Please be sure not to confuse me as being someone in that category!

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19 Nov 2009, 6:46 am

Horus wrote:
For those of you who believe in free will, i'd be interested to read some thoughtful rebuttals to this.

I get lost in seas of printed words, but I would gladly discuss it if you might be interested. Also, I wonder if anyone other than me questions the matter of "believe in" in the first place. Why would anyone put faith in a mere concept, and if someone did, would s/he have done so freely or by some kind of force or fate or what? Maybe "free will" is something to be gained?

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19 Nov 2009, 7:56 am

KenM wrote:
I have thought about this alot. Why did God decide to make a group of people that can't really understand or get the body languge and social cues of most people? Why did God make a whole group of people that are lonely and miserable (in general)? Why did God let people with AS suffer so much? God made AS, God causes people with AS to be miserable and depressed because no matter what I do to change to try and relate to people, I can never get the body languge or cues. I have to always think "did he really mean that, or did he mean the oppisite?" I think God made people with AS so we can be in a living hell and he get amused seeing people suffer.

God can kiss my butt.

I very much ask the same question. Why God do I have to be so sad and lonely? Why do I have aspergers and learning disability and why do I have to be so sad? No matter how hard I try to be happy and make friends, I just end up getting hurt. I know someone who is a surgeon and she has no disabilities at all and her life is so easy. God gave her an easy happy life. A life with no aspergers and no LD would be wonderful!! ! People with no aspergers are the happiest people in the world. They are successful. :cry: :cry: :cry:


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19 Nov 2009, 11:13 am

A. "god" is a sick, sadistic, slime-ball
B. it doesn't exist.

Pick one.


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19 Nov 2009, 11:20 am

Horus wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
No such thing as god sorry.

Stop using "god" as something to blame.

From how I see it spiritually, YOU chose this life so YOU could learn from it. You'd better start trying unless you want to keep repeating it in all your future lifetimes.

So everyone with serious mental and/or physical disabilities chose their condition prior to their birth? A mentally ret*d person chose to be mentally ret*d? How about a person suffering from a treatment-resistent form of schizophrenia? What exactly do such people learn from these life experiences and how do they learn from them? If people like this commit a murder, most of us would be willing to forgive them of it. That said, admonishments like, "you better start trying unless you want to keep repeating it in all your further lifetimes" certainly don't apply to them right?

What about someone who is not mentally ret*d or schizophrenic who "chose" to commit suicide at 15? Are we prepared to say they just "stopped trying"? Assuming they were not successfully treated...shouldn't we just say that factors within their own unique biology and life experience made the act inevitable?

I don't know...it seems to me that nature and nurture does all our choosing for us. If this ghost in the machine known as "free will" does not emanate from something immaterial (a "soul" or whatever) then where does it arise from? Does it stem from reason? If so....how do we account for the wildly subjective nature of reason? Even people with similar intellectual capacities and life experiences come to vastly different conclusions about any number of things. Wouldn't you say this is also due to subtle, but nonetheless critical, differences in their neurobiology (like executive functioning for one example) and life experiences?

Yes, all these people chose these lives. But wait, theres more. This is in MY opinion. Don't even begin to question why a human would choose these lives... because they wouldn't. I'm talking on a much deeper and higher spiritual level than human.

also lol at people giving "god" or the higher power human emotions/conditions like sadism etc.


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19 Nov 2009, 1:02 pm

david_42 wrote:
A. "god" is a sick, sadistic, slime-ball
B. it doesn't exist.

Pick one.

C. "god" is uber 1337..

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19 Nov 2009, 1:12 pm

leejosepho wrote:
velodog wrote:
leejosepho wrote:
It is interesting that people either ignorantly or arrogantly presume to blame God when something does not seem right and then turn around and ignorantly or arrogantly presume to take the credit when all is well!

I find it just as ridiculous when religious people give God credit for all that goes well and blame the devil, other people or themselves when things go bad. It is sort of like sucking up to a crappy foreman who steps up to take a bow when things go well and blames the crew when things don't go well. But it really isn't that surprising that some feel such love, some call it terror or Stockholm Syndrome, for a capricious being that will readily toss them in a lake of fire for not smooching his keester.

Please be sure not to confuse me as being someone in that category!

I will keep that in mind leejosepho.


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19 Nov 2009, 2:37 pm

Is there a God? Who nose? God, IMO, is nature - all natural phenomena given a personification, a proper name, a gender, and a human-like authority. Nature is imperfect, therefore God must be imperfect (and plenty of places in the Bible point to this, despite what some people may think). "He" made Aspies for the same reason He made storms, disease, natural disasters, ignorance, etc. - because He is imperfect - everything is imperfect. All human beings are imperfect regardless of whether or not they were diagnosed with anything. The so-called "normal" people probably have just as many moments of insecurity, erratic behavior, and various other negative qualities as Aspies do. It's just that because of (false) social stigmas that society teaches people, "normal" people are more willing to hide these facets of their personality. What they don't realize is, as the Bible itself (and The Byrds and Pete Seeger) says, "To everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven". Whether or not you believe these purposes are really "under heaven" is entirely up to you, but everything else about that verse is pretty universal to everyone. This means that everything, the good AND the bad, is here for a reason. The good influence the evil and the evil learn from the good (at least ideally). This doesn't always seem to be so, but IMO that's the reason good and evil both exist - you can't have one without the other. Likewise, you can't have typical people without the eccentrics. The eccentrics DEFINITELY have influence on the typical people Don't believe me? Look at all the "normal" people blasting "Get Free", "Ride", or "Outtathaway!" from their stereos!! The older "normal" folks (and prob'ly a lot of younger ones, too, by now) prob'ly did the same with David Bowie, another well-known eccentric. And MILLIONS of people in my school LOVE my Andy Warhol/Velvet Underground shirt. Warhol was supposed to have had Asperger's - yet these so-called "normal" people love him!! And The Velvets had the already eccentric Lou Reed coupled with the even MORE eccentric Nico! Scientific research has helped many people, and chances are that field is run by Aspies and/or similar-minded folks. And how many times has Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmuzik" shown up on television shows, commercials, and movies?! EVERYONE knows that song (though maybe not the title), and it's all thanks to the mind of an Aspie. Basically, our ways of thinking in educational and artistic fields might not be as good (or even exist) if not for Aspies!! People with more severe mental and/or physical diagnoses probably exist to be relieved of the pressures that most people face when they see, hear, or think. I believe in all for one, and one for all!!


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19 Nov 2009, 4:10 pm

GriffinGuitar12 wrote:
Nature is imperfect, therefore God must be imperfect ...

Ah, there goes that goofy logic thing again!

God is love.
Love is blind.
Ray Charles was blind.
... ??

And by the way, who decided nature is imperfect?

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19 Nov 2009, 5:16 pm

david_42 wrote:
A. "god" is a sick, sadistic, slime-ball
B. it doesn't exist.

Pick one.

The closest I can get to believing in "god" involves the impersonal and ill-defined concept of the Absolute, Tao, the All, Chaos, "Infinite Living Mind", etc.....

Since the Hermeticists, Kabbalists and countless other esotericists have failed to define this concept in logically comprehensible terms, i'm not going to attempt to do so either. It either exists or it doesn't...it's even difficult to say "it exists" because it doesn't seem to conform to any human understanding of existence. How can our reasoning possibly conceive of a omnipresent consciousness/mind/spirit...what you please... stripped of all other attributes including depedence on a prior cause like a physical brain?


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19 Nov 2009, 5:24 pm

DenzenGrey wrote:
Dilbert wrote:
Why did people make God?

There, fixed the title for ya.

Ironic considering you think you can start a sentence with "But". Atheist or just a all round general dumbshit. Who knows? oh wait I know......

His Führer...

You feel so threatened and insecure in your beliefs that you've resorted to ad hominem attacks? That's pretty common, in my experience.

Seeing enemies, both external (me, atheist) and internal (who is it this week?), is also typical. After all, they control you through fear. Such a system requires enemies in order to survive. For example, the devil. :roll:

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20 Nov 2009, 8:31 am

Dilbert wrote:
DenzenGrey wrote:
Dilbert wrote:
Why did people make God?

There, fixed the title for ya.

Ironic considering you think you can start a sentence with "But". Atheist or just a all round general dumbshit. Who knows? oh wait I know......

His Führer...

You feel so threatened and insecure in your beliefs that you've resorted to ad hominem attacks? That's pretty common, in my experience.

Seeing enemies, both external (me, atheist) and internal (who is it this week?), is also typical. After all, they control you through fear. Such a system requires enemies in order to survive. For example, the devil. :roll:

First you assumed (which you have always done with no proof whatsoever) that I have have religious belief, guess what, I don't.

Second it's too bad that for in order for it to be an ad hominem I have to have something objectional about me which I don't nor can you prove otherwise, stinkypuppy made this point very clear. Besides mate, even if it was it doesn't make the facts any less relevent than they were before. You have increditably bad grama and I find it very hard to believe that any creditible university would give you a degree of any nature let alone engineering (god help anyone who drives over your bridge or lives in your building).

Finally, you are right about the last thing (the only thing that you were ever right about), except I get the feeling you had the opinon that the facist (which you are) are anti-religious, sorry bud, it is only the communists that have an official policy of atheism as the standard belief system. I made be wrong though but (see ya don't f*****g use but as the start of a f*****g sentence) however I always feel that you should make point of subtle feelings, they tend to be right.

Once again, you will give yet another speech from your f**k buddy, your Führer...


Ya I know, it's absolutely f*****g hilarious, sadly though it is probably true.


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20 Nov 2009, 9:04 am

Many of the great thinkers and innovators of the past (Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, etc.) are believed to have been aspies. I believe we are separated from the rest of the population in that if there is a God, or if there is a purpose to everyone being here, then our reason for existence is different. Most people are put on Earth for their own benefit, so they can enjoy life, make friends, fall in love, have sex, have families, and grow old and die in peace. While they are the takers, aspies are the givers, who are put on Earth to make other people's lives better, and improve life for future generations. It may not be a pleasant existence at times, but in the end, we are the ones who make a difference.

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20 Nov 2009, 10:41 am

LordoftheMonkeys wrote:
Many of the great thinkers and innovators of the past (Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, etc.) are believed to have been aspies. I believe we are separated from the rest of the population in that if there is a God, or if there is a purpose to everyone being here, then our reason for existence is different. Most people are put on Earth for their own benefit, so they can enjoy life, make friends, fall in love, have sex, have families, and grow old and die in peace. While they are the takers, aspies are the givers, who are put on Earth to make other people's lives better, and improve life for future generations. It may not be a pleasant existence at times, but in the end, we are the ones who make a difference.

Ah finally one of the few, that aren't nazi. Excellent and well put, I just really hate the other part, ya know what I mean.

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20 Nov 2009, 11:56 pm

leejosepho wrote:
greenblue wrote:
Spokane_Girl wrote:
God isn't real.

Aspies are real
God made aspies
therefore, God is real.

Too bad this isn't the PPR forum.

Ah now, watch out for that logic stuff ...

God is love.
Love is blind.
Ray Charles was blind ...

The following sentence is true. The previous sentence was false. :wall:

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21 Nov 2009, 1:50 am

Every statement I have ever made was a lie, including this one.

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