There are people out there who have no idea that a high functioning form of autism can exist. I have this problem too. Some people will say, "You are too smart to be on the autistic spectrum." I mean most aspies are smart and I am considered smarter than most people realize. I've been told that I write with a lot of words yet when I speak I can only speak small talk. So people don't realize this and judge me before even thinking I have other problems. I have developmental/learning delays not otherwise specified under any diagnosis. There are things I can't do because anxiety, ADHD and APD.
People always tell me, "you could get a job because you don't look disabled enough not to have one". But its not about being disabled its because with ADHD, APD, AS and anxiety... I have severe sensory issues and I am easily distracted, I can't be tol to do more than one thing and at times I'll stand there with a blank look on my face thinking, "wtf?! How do I do that now?" and anxiety strikes, causing me to meltdown because of frustration and not being able to process thoughts and directions very well. This is also why I can't drive either.
I know exactly what its like when you are judged without people even knowing. I agree with what you say too, if those people want to come here and spend two weeks with me just to see how I function then I say come and do it. People would be surprised to see how I function and hoe delayed I am.
I have problems with my mom because we are always fight and argue. She doesn't understand Autism as much as she thinks she does. I mean she wants me to meet ALL her friends who happen to be the neighbors here. She forgets the fact that I am autistic and that I am not a very socially interactive person. I could say a few words to the person and walk away or not say anything to them again. It's not because I'm rude but because I'm socially-challenged. I can do small talk with no problem and if you are one who knows what I love talking about, whether it be paranormal, anime, Kingdom Hearts or music... then you can only get me to talk for so long until I go in complete lock down.
Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive