ASS-P's response to " amputation " post .

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11 Apr 2013, 10:48 pm

There must be organizations available that can back you up and assist you to make a case against these "cops" whose first duty as far I know is to protect all citizens and keep the peace.

Maybe someone would be able to provide you with the 5 dollars it's not a great amount, and you could go to SJ?

The US does not appear to be the fair democracy that one would deduce from the Constitution and it's a pity you don't have a copy of it to shove in the cops' face should they threaten you again.

I don't believe they have any constitutional right to take your stuff. That's just trying to throw their weight around.

Try to get help from a church, human rights or medical authority that you trust to back you up and enable you to get out of this dreadful situation where you're vulnerable to threats from the so-called protectors of society.

All the best. Thinking of you. :(


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13 Apr 2013, 9:49 pm

Notice to friends of "ASS-P"

He's in jail.

I don't have any more details than that yet.


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16 Apr 2013, 7:54 am

message received from Robert on April 13, 2013:

"(ASS-P) is in jail. He said he was picked up on Thursday with all his stuff dumped by the cops (or they said they would). He also needs money to be put on his books. They did not offer him a free phone call, by the way… “You can get his inmate info, I imagine, by calling the jail. He is also due to come to court Monday or Tuesday morning. That's the latest, and I've pretty much told him that's the extent of my communication unless and until he comes out.” (which may not be for a week or two, he suggested, because he hopes to get some medical care there---optimistic guy!).”
I'm still trying to find a snail-mail address.
If I find one, does anyone else want it? I'm sure he would like to hear from people.


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16 Apr 2013, 8:25 am

I'd just like to send my encouragement to him from Australia.

I'm sure many people here are worried about him.

Thanks,Tahitiii, for the information.


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16 Apr 2013, 10:12 am

I found a snail mail address and inmate number.
I'm sending him some stuff today.

Another way to send a message would be to post it here and I will cut-and-paste it to my letter.
I did that today with the post from "jkl," above.
Don't bother with a link, as I doubt that he has access to a computer right now.
Just give me a simple message that I can send in a hard-copy letter via snail-mail.

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16 Apr 2013, 11:02 am

Thank you for caring, Tahitii, and for giving us this info. You're a good friend to him.

My message (not an easy thing to keep a short simple message) is:

Hi Ass-P

I am sorry to hear that things are presently so dark for you but am trusting that someone in authority can perhaps give you some form of guidance as to where to from here, and that you can get some free medical treatment at the same tyime, at least...
I have enjoyed following your posts here because ytou manage to find humour in incredibly diffivult circumstances which is not easy for most people to do.
At least you have a roof over your head for the time being and not on the streets.
Best wishes from South Africa; be strong and remember you have friends and supporters from WP all over the world.


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20 Apr 2013, 4:21 pm


"ASS-P" is still in jail.

I doubt that he will have access to a computer any time soon.

Does anyone want a snail-mail address for him?


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21 Apr 2013, 8:49 am

Hi Tahitiii, thanks for informing us of what's happening to ASS-P.

May I ask what the circumstances of his being in jail are? How is his health? Also what is snail-mail?


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21 Apr 2013, 9:09 am

jk1 wrote:
May I ask what the circumstances of his being in jail are?
It’s mainly because he’s homeless. He gets tickets for camping illegally, then doesn’t show up for court…
It’s a little more complicated than that, but you get the idea.
The local cops don’t like him and tend to harass and throw away his blankets & stuff at every opportunity.
I haven’t heard whether he’s getting much medical treatment in jail. I hope so.

jk1 wrote:
what is snail-mail?
Old fashioned, US postal service. With an envelope and a stamp. I’ll send you a PM.
I doubt that he will have access to a computer any time soon.


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03 May 2013, 9:36 pm

...Hello , this is ASS-P , I am out of the Santa Cruz County Jail after 3 weeks now , I am physically OK and no violence happened to me while imprisoned , however , I am a little - or more - panic attack-y now , perhaps three weeks essentially 23+ hours every day in a largish room and a fenced-over , inside-walls , coutyard (Entirely no contact w/anything green/natural for those three wks. ) , I REALLY must leave SC , though I'll make it to-morrow , I am rather strongly , clearly , disliked by the power structure here , to-day , I came close to not getting out and having , maybe , a longer sentence on me imposed by a different , clearly-not-liking-me , judge , when earlier it had been essentially set that I would get out to-day at my last court date two Fridays ago...........That saved me , a cometent PD remember this (As I did myself .) , I suppose...........


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03 May 2013, 10:09 pm

Glad to hear you got out. I hope you can find someplace that will be kinder to you.


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03 May 2013, 10:32 pm

...Well , thank you , this Internet-ing ( At a HIGHLY! expensive FedEx store , along with my rather squandering my money a bit aft6er I got out - And , the police's disposal of more of my property forcing more spending :-( . ) has me " a bit more in the groove " now...:--...I think I will go see the Aussie 1960-set film THE SAPPHIRES , playing here tonite , for SOME music...( No radio , even - No music on Internet now , bland music in back of FE . )

Verdandi wrote:
Glad to hear you got out. I hope you can find someplace that will be kinder to you.


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04 May 2013, 4:15 am

I'm glad you are out and didn't get abused at least physically (though putting you in jail itself sounds like a kind of abuse). I'm still concerned about your health. At least it's getting warmer there. I hope you can improve your situation. Please let us know how things are going.


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04 May 2013, 10:53 am

It’s good to hear that you’re out.

There’s got to be some way to get cheap blankets, since you lose them so regularly.
Some thrift shop or something…


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09 May 2013, 11:47 am

...I am in San Jose now , things are OK , I am still v. much homeless , there's a possibly positive financial development but , even if it develops right , it will likely take much time to develop...And , I'm still sort of coasting on the euphoria of getting away , getting a couple goodies...Just 36 hours after I left the jail , I saw my bad toe again and a great deal of the improvement had gone downhill...And , appearance-wise (I did get some antibiotics which , in act , I have been taking in double amounts , now , the toe - lotsa red discharge/" beeding " - looks EUCCCHHH ! :(
My dramitic " goe to another state " plans fell through :(


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09 May 2013, 11:57 am

...That's where I'd tended to get them anyway . Actually , the " banned-from-Pacific-Avenue " (the main drag/downtown of SC , specifically this " Pacific Mall " part I suppose) precluded me from going to the Sally Army store there - A Goodwill was still within reach - Actually , r. now I have a - bought new , at an outdoor shop in SC not too far from the jail - tarp , as I've had before , keeps you dry and , sort of , out of sight but not very warm...I did get a beach towel of some sort to additionally put under my torso but it's still fairly cold , and there's less apparent areas to sleep al fresco in downtown SC and it seems colder at nights and perhaps my body's lost its Teddy Roosevely " vigah-rous life " resilence after three weeks of the comparitive luxury of a metal bunk , 1970s middle-school cafeteria-level regular meals , and one TV for 35/-plus guys (controled by the guards/whomever outside . Probably needed to . We switched from an old , box-style , beat-up TV to a modern , flat-screen , one during my engagement there :wink: .

quote="Tahitiii"]It’s good to hear that you’re out.

There’s got to be some way to get cheap blankets, since you lose them so regularly.
Some thrift shop or something…[/quote]