I'm back from jail and a slight heart attack .

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06 Jul 2015, 4:16 pm

...This ayem I got woke up in the area I) sleep by a cop giving me a ticket at 6-ish?? , went back to sleep , then ., later on , was " fun " :x-roused by a female cop ~ She poked at my left arm , said " I have ice water " (obviously , implying that she would soak me with it) , saying " Get up " , pulled my8 tarp off me :( . I suppose I needed to- get up then anyhow :hmph:.........
After she was gone I discovered the cop-style " protective " rubber gloves , discarded , that she had used when when touching me/my stuff :( - Did I mention the (not all that great , maybe?? , but it was something :hmph: ) - drop-in Homeless Services Center here did its advertised near-total closing down .
I was involved in the so-so/eeeeeh " Homeless Lives Matter " sleep-in/demonstration this last weekend .
I do think I) have to go to San Francisco this week , at least see if medical things can happen there (I have already tried to re-awaken my getting mail at the General Delivery USPO there .) though my (arriving Tuesday) Monday is fairly low now that we're past the first week :( .


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06 Jul 2015, 5:14 pm

...People recommended I go to San Fran , regarding services , as well as maybe trying medicals there .
I want to try8= to go to , say , San Francisco City College ~ would be , briefly , MUCH effort getting records/in/money for it ~ And , tho I sorta romanticized " being a Loveable Homeless Dude ' tryi0ng to impro-ve himself ' while goi0ng " - A shelyer bed , i0f gettable , would likely8 be strain , though :(
Can I not corr6ect my misty8pes to save time , please ? :(
Y*ou9 know what I'm saying , right ?


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08 Jul 2015, 8:21 pm

...Yesterday , I got arrested/taken in for refusing to walk off of the " world famous Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk " , when I would not leave when ordered - I had gone there , with new (to me) clothes from the Sally Army (inc. a bathing suit , incidentally) , intending to shower and change clothes , maybe go in the beach/ocean , buy some boardwalk food , maybe play arcade games .
Just briefly after , security fuzz there ordered me to leave ~ I was bothering or blocking absolutely no one , (and had NOT gone there to " create a scene/get arrested " , BTW :? ) , they said " this is private property (the boardwalk) , I DID , refusing , make a comparison to a certain flag that will likely be brought down in Charleston...


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08 Jul 2015, 8:34 pm

Man...that certainly sucked!

Did they let you shower in jail?


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08 Jul 2015, 8:38 pm

...Thank you , KK , I will continue the story now , thank you for the , in a sense , " reminder " that I should continue , and not get too caught up in I'm-closeted-there-about-my-HL-ness Facebook posting about comics and oldies...


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08 Jul 2015, 9:30 pm

...I refused , smarted off a touch as you can see above , did not cuss/epithet nor (Um , i may have emulated Joe Bob Briggs and called someone " chickenstuff " :) 8) :twisted: !) threaten) threaten nor bodily Eric Carmen (Um , " lose control " :mrgreen:) ...and , eventually , cops added onto the Boardwalk fuzz and a (I presume) Boardwalk employee named Danielle - I did assume that I would be jailed but it worked out that a 5150 (72-hr. hold - mental ~ Dudesicle , don't you remember a certain Van Halen album title , plus some " tough " cop novels and TV shows and probably some rap lyrics among the line of " YO ! Vaco ! I am loco ! 5150 , and I go for yo' ho ! !! !! !! !! " :-) ? ~ well ,anyway - on me , I was taken to a hospital other than my " usual " one , however , I was found to be WAAYY too high blood sugar from them , rejected , taken to my usual one , recived more IV ~ however , no bandaging for my bad toe remnant (I believe I asked) nor , even , :cry: diabetes pill prescriptions ~ I was taken back , when low enough , back to the first hospital , still on the 5150 , " nicer " feamles were on duty , said I really didn't belong there , was (basically , anyway) nice...then males came on , however.........


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08 Jul 2015, 9:45 pm

...I haven't really reached the end of this story , I am out now , but I guess I , bar going to jail again , REALLY need to get to San Francisco as I planned , but I , especially since most all the new sally clothes got messed up , could , speaking of financial help to me , use some to get away , now or into this week , say by We5stern union please ?


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09 Jul 2015, 9:05 pm

...Now , this day , to skip to today (Thursday) , I got " woken up " by that female cop again ~ who proceeded to POUR WATER ON MY HEAD ! :cry: , from one of my washing/drinking bottles :( ` I told her I hated her - Now , maybe she was " nice " enough not to arrest me/beat me up :( she did try to pull my tarp off of me :( :(


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09 Jul 2015, 9:08 pm

Sometimes, the lady cops could be the nastiest......


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09 Jul 2015, 9:11 pm

...Indeed . Jail COs , too .


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09 Jul 2015, 9:46 pm

...Briefly , the new clothes Tuesday go-t mucked up , and I am money-less , basically , now ~ The things I : need " to do in SF ~ Looking (siiggh :oops: ) for a shelter reference and starting on trying to get into CCSF really need to be done on a weekday...Any8way8 , some addt'l do$h could help , whether here or there , or whatever I) do... :oops:


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10 Jul 2015, 6:10 pm

...I really am cash-less now , and the plans I had for doing things before going to SF fell through ~ :( . There is one particular person I wish to do something with before leaving SC , and I am waiting for a reply from him ~ I am only able to Internet now by taking an hourlong trip to Watsonville now , remember (And the library here i0sn't open on Sunday) , I hope that he gets back to- me :(


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10 Jul 2015, 6:25 pm

...Continuing the Tuesday Boardwalk/getting 5150-held story...Even when the female loony-bin staff were on , I would say to myself " remember 1980 ! " , remembering my life being DESTROYED back in 1980/1981 :cry: by being committed ~ spent my 21st in a state mental hospital , happy maturity day to me :cry: ~ I certainly8 think that it had so-me causal st7atus as to why I am HL now~ :cry: - Then , with the " You'll get released and get a taxi back " sort-of promise still on , male staff came o-n , and , admittedly I) was saying " I hate you ! You destroyed my life with your Thorazine and Mellaril ! I hate your class/profession..." , and , sure enough , one of the males got to threaten me with being dragged in to one particular room instead of answering his f*****g questions in the exit room , he just had to show what a big f*****g dick he had - I hate them all :( ~ My life was DESTROYED :cry:...........I did get to take a shower , I) rather o-ver-watered and got my new clothes too wet...-ish , and used some as towels instead of putting them on...I got the taxi back to the all-night CVS downtown :hmph:...........Nest morning , wasn't it , the female cop pushed me around :(...........


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14 Jul 2015, 4:46 am

I have read your posts and I was wondering about a few things. There was one day where a non-WP friend offered you to take you to a hospital. Why didn't you accept her/his offer? Do you have trouble trusting the hospital staff?

Also, noting that in the mental hospital they gave you drugs against schizophrenia and psychosis, are you indeed schizophrenic and psychotic? Or was this the method of treating Asperger's syndrome back then?

I actually hope you can calm down a bit with everything that is going on with you and perhaps consider indeed going to a good hospital if your friend offers you again, even if this means taking some pills? I understand you're antagonistic about it but some of these pills are designed to calm you down, help you focus a little more and get back on your feet again. Your body is in serious need of treatment at the moment and you can't go from jail to jail because that only perpetuates your problem. Getting excellent medical help from a hospital is the first step in your recovery. I think it is also what people would like you to do if they decided to support you via a fund raiser.


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14 Jul 2015, 5:23 pm

...I don't really recall what you say about " a non-WP friend offered to...hospital " , though perhaps it's true . There was a WP person here , generally in this area . S/he said that they'd take me to a homeless encampment/village in this area .
I thanked h/h , but said/felt that I was uncertain , anyway , that going to an encampment , away from my usual stomping grounds and trying to go in as a resident without having been in there before , was the best idea for me .
Could you be thinking of that ?
Where would you have heard about things I did but here? So, how would a non-WP friend be someone you had heard about ?
Okay , I see I did make a reerence to he non-WP friend and a hospital ~ However , he was not " of status " , he is , if not literally HL himself , about one step above , and furthermore , while a nice guy and helpful , has , as a previous attempt to get me into the SC hospital showed , some slight " emotional issues , heh :P , himself ! 8)


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14 Jul 2015, 5:51 pm

...Well , for a rather bad example of what I'm speaking about (And I did tend to think MAYBE what happened to me was more in the past " , but this one).........

cherryblossom wrote:
So you apparently still don't have a place to live. We had written about some "places" for example in this thread in the pages 2 and 3: WHY ????? viewtopic.php?f=23&t=286808&start=15

Those "places" are not prisons like you may have thought. So what do you think about them? Could also someone else check what we had written about them in that other thread?