Ooops! Sorry AuntBlabby and friends of AuntBlabby. I was so rattled by the post preceding hers that I got paranoid and thought this was the start of an avalanche of hostile retorts.
And amazingly, I was sober at the time, so I can't even use drink as an excuse (not that it's a good excuse anyway...).
I am truly glad to be told so loudly that you didn't mean what I assumed you meant.
Being undeniably still pretty new to Wrong Planet, although I'm glad I got round to joining at last (or am I? See below...), I must admit I'm still pretty freaked out by some of the absolutely incontrovertibly sarcastic and insensitive posts which some of the more robust members appear to delight in belittling some of the more delicate members with.
In this particular instance, clearly my comments ought to have been directed solely at the poster before AuntBlabby, rather than at both of them. I was both alarmed for Sarah and outraged on her behalf, so all my instincts urged me to roll out my big guns and defend her.
I don't know if anyone will feel willing to accept my apologies, but I am truly sorry for this misunderstanding.
p.s. If anyone wonders how I could possibly construe anything on Wrong Planet as sarcastic and insensitive and belittling, he or she could, for instance, peruse the "Therapy doesn't help me" thread, in which those of us who have put faith and time and money and effort into therapy are pilloried as gullible and self-indulgent and weak, and told we ought to have simply "grown up and got over it" (by people who clearly have no idea what "it" could have been nor what "it" did to us). I don't think actually I want to belong to a forum supposedly for the benefit of A.S.D. sufferers where that kind of brutal and wilful insensitivity is apparently considered fair comment.
So I do still, in principle, apologise for over-reacting to AuntBlabby's ambiguous post, but in practice it was made ambiguous by the fact she apparently saw no need to criticize or contradict the crass and unpleasant post prior to hers: naturally I assumed she agreed with the guy, because she didn't bother to disagree with him.
So I don't think I get the rules of Wrong Planet, if boneheaded nastiness is perfectly O.K. in a forum where many members may, by definition, be very damaged and delicate people. It isn't quite the safe space I kind of assumed it would be.
You can't be proud of being Neurodivergent, because it isn't something you've done: you can only be proud of not being ashamed. (paraphrasing Quentin Crisp)