Fnord wrote:
So as to avoid polluting another member's thread any further, I feel it necessary to set the record straight here.
When I say, "I do not care what other people think of me" this does NOT mean "I do not care about other people". It only means that I not longer concern myself with other people's opinions of me (unless the person is my wife or my boss, of course). Obsessing over what every other person -- including strangers -- thought of me had left me socially paralyzed for a very long time. Once I stopped this obsession, my life made a radical change for the better.
Of course, if a person is spreading lies about me, or trying to stir up trouble against me, I will try to set them straight. This will include starting separate threads like this one.
And while my blunt manner of presenting advice may seem to indicate a lack of concern for others, it is just my way of getting directly to the root of the problem instead of prolonging the problem with a lot of empty praise and sugary platitudes like, "Oh, don't worry so much. You're a nice guy. I'm sure everyone likes you and wants to see you do well, so cheer up and have a nice day..."
So yes, I do care about other people, but not their opinions of me.
Back to this original topic I agree. Most people have the wrong impression of you especially on forums because they don't actually know who you are or what goes on in your life. Most people associate the negative first I've found.
If I cared about the opinion of every single individual person I'd be an anxious wreck that never went outside or responded to any thread.
I'm very blunt myself so can relate, I don't care what people think about me though because they literally don't know me lol. But like you said it doesn't mean you don't care about people you're just blunt and to the point. I've noticed people take offense very easily these days though but that's their problem not mine.

Also, this reminded me of something, years ago I went to a forum meet for another board maybe like 10 years ago or something and everyone there was saying how nice I was or how nice another person was then we revealed our usernames and people were like shocked saying oh I thought you/him were bastards but you're actually really nice people. I imagine if there was a meet on here a lot of people would be pleasantly surprised lol.
The term Aspergers is no longer officially used in the UK - it is now regarded as High Functioning Autism.