mikebw wrote:
Where to start? My skin tags, my balding head, my finger/toe nails that point up, the 100 pounds wrapped around my mid-section, my man boobs, my stretchmarks all over the place, my large nose...
The skin tags are the most annoying.
Are you my husband?
Sounds like him. I love him all.
Catch those tags early an you can pull them off. Takes a little nerve.
Seriously, I'm ok, I guess. Even 5"8' at 125 lbs, I had a disproportionatly large butt. I never remember not having cellulite. I'm 150+ now. Boobs aren't what they used to be. Two kids later. Stomach. Streach marks. I tell myself I'm better than avg for my age (truth or not doesn't matter).
I try not to look too much. Best with clothes. No full length missors. I'll make a muscel or suck in my belly when I do look. I know it sounds like a guy, but they seem to have better self images...so it's a stolen idea. At 36, my skin texture is bothering me...I'm starting sun screen a little late.