People who feign serious distress for attention annoy me. Many people have problems, and subjectively, some are worse than others, yeah, but if you're not willing to do or try to do anything about it, then too bad. Everyone needs some help to get going sometimes, but that sometimes doesn't last forever; there's a limit before they begin to realize that you'll never change, that the effort's wasted. The world is not dedicated to throwing pity and encourgament upon you so that you can turn around again and do the same damn thing, over and over and over until you're a snivelling mess on the floor again, whining that you're such a poor soul, then becoming defensive when anyone gives words that you don't like. Pathetic.
I'm not talking about once or twice or even half a dozen times; everyone relapses, and it takes time, and yeah, I get that. But to do it so many times that I see a new complaint - and not even new in details, only new in wording - every week, for more than a month... It's absurd.
Past a certain point, you're responsible for your own life. Maybe it's not perfect, and maybe it even sucks, but people can't change everything for you, and that pity is a shallow comfort, because you're pitying yourself. Make a decision and stick with; go out and get some help if you actually want to live a better life. Don't go all tragic Hamlet on everyone who's unfortunate enough to be around you. You've got to do stuff by yourself, for yourself, because sitting back and whining won't get you anywhere.
Past a certain point, no one cared about the wolf the boy cried about.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!