WitchsCat wrote:
Ever since the Florida shooting, I have been paranoid not because it could have happened where I lived, but because there are NT's around that are willing to ostracize us. The only people who have been there for me are my husband, parents, in-laws, and my two friends who are also on the spectrum. Everyone else don't give a s**t.
I am scared that someday, autistic people will be stripped of their rights. I could hear them now:
Doctors: I'm afraid we don't admit autistics to this hospital. You will have to go elsewhere for medical help.
Realtors: Unfortunately, we can't sell this home to you. Our records show you have autism. We cannot tolerate that.
Animal shelter volunteers: I'm sorry, but I cannot let you adopt that cat. How can we trust you with one if you have autism?
Bosses: Sadly, we can't hire you. Our policy states we cannot hire people with autism. No exceptions.
Believe it or not, I had a teacher in vocational school who targeted me due to my autism. She forced me to join DECA against my will, force-fed me foods I don't like that were used in projects, and almost always rushes me on anything that I work on. She even threatened to put me in a psych ward. Honestly, I am still surprised they let her keep her job.
I had a terrible headache last night. I am shocked that it didn't turn into an aneurysm or hemorrhage and kill me.
I don't think you have to worry. If people don't have enough sense to judge people as individuals rather than judge a group of people by an individual's action, they have no sense whatsoever. I am sorry you were mistreated by ignorant people, there are laws in place to help with discrimination. You are a good person, another person's actions do not reflect on you.
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” ― Bertrand Russell