I'm sorry, but, after the day I've had today and looking at tomorrow, I really need a place to vent. For those of you who don't know, I've been working for over a year now at my local Hobby Lobby, a job that I'm thankful to have as it's more stable than Six Flags was and at least provides a decent, reliable stream of income for me to support myself with. Every Monday is the same for me as I help with unloading the truck, unpacking the product, building the furniture, and getting items shipped off to their respective departments. Likewise, every Tuesday is the same as I work the main cash register from open until 4PM (at least I'm supposed to get off at 4PM, but that rarely ever happens). Depending on the week, I might work on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, sometimes a combination of the 4, but Monday and Tuesday are the constants... at least before today. Between Monday and Tuesday, I much rather prefer Mondays as I get to hang out in the warehouse unpacking stuff with my co-workers while just talking about whatever. Being stuck on a register for an extended period of time can often be stressful to me. Today, I was scheduled to work in the warehouse as usual until the woman who's normally the main cashier called out and I was put on the main register instead. Having to do something like that 2 days in a row is overwhelming to me and, after how hectic today was, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. I honestly didn't have any moment to clean my register of returns until I was supposed to go on my breaks.
Another thing that really pisses me off about working main register for several hours like that is how self entitled many of the customers will behave. For example, a customer approaches my register and I greet them the way I normally do, "Hey. How you doin?" But either after I've greeted them that way, or even before I've finished, they'll shove one of their purchases in my face while saying, "This is supposed to be 50% off". These are particularly infuriating as they just shove what I greeted them with aside, they state the obvious, treating me like I don't know how to do my job, and I wind up feeling like nothing more than a tool, something they just want to use and see what they can get out of me. It's moments like this where I long for the day when I can be moved up to being a department head and will only ever have to worry about working cashier as a back up.