Fnord wrote:
If logging in to WP is making someone angry, depressed, hateful, or suicidal, then maybe - just maybe - they would be better off logging in elsewhere. I mean, if the cause can not be removed, then maybe removing the victim from the cause is the next-best thing to do. It's like when I have to go to the front office - I can't stand those yammering sales/marketing types. They're loud, rude, crude, and generally disrespectful of us engineers. I feel angry, frustrated, and insulted every time I have to deal with them. But I (usually) don't have to deal with them. I can just stay away, back in my office or the production area, doing what I enjoy, and not exposing myself to hose jerks unless it's absolutely necessary.
Where else am I supposed to go? How about instead of adopting a "love it or leave it" attitude, you actually try to understand why this forum is not helping and is in fact hurting some people? It says something when my fellow Aspies are treating me as badly or worse than NTs do.