Sweetleaf wrote:
Well yes if I ever do manage to talk to a psychiatirst......I probably would but uhh I am 22 I should not be so paranoid about what my family may or may not think it's such a major issue with my mom I don't even feel like I can tell her anything. Like depending on who I'm hanging out with I sometimes even lie about that......at the same time though the way she is that's sometimes the better option becuase of how nosy she is.......I mean I know she has reason to express concern about me and stuff like a mom would but I just can't get past the way she goes about it. It drives me freaking insane.......I can't deal with her stress of obsessing over where I might be if I haven't called her, what she would think if she actually knew more then I tell her on top of my own stress of deciding what I want to do and what the consequences of what I decide to do will be. I have to make choices based on my experiances, what I want and what I don't want not based on how she might react. That is mostly what I am doing but I wish I could just tell her and get it all on the plate and go from there......I mean if she has a problem with it and kicks me out I have places I can go it would suck because then I would officially be homeless.
I mean she's not going to freak out and call the cops or mental health services on me over anything, she just might not like it and be angry and not want me staying at her house anymore......well at least that's what I like to think but then when I really start thinking about talking to her about it I start wondering if I really can trust her I mean what if she did do that? then I would be screwed......moreso than I am now...and so I just continue being as vauge as possible about things so she can't ask too many questions.
Sorry. I feel bad because it sounds like your relationship with your mom is pretty f***ed up and dysfunctional. That's why I think it might be better to work out ways to deal with her through a psychologist. That way you can keep things confidential.
It sounds like you have a pretty clear chemical based depression, but there is so much anxiety on top of that due to your current life situation. If you can eventually get SSI and find a decent place to live away from your mom I think you'll start feeling a lot better.
Well I am welcome other places so I don't spend a lot of time at my moms house.