ASS-P's response to " amputation " post .

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10 May 2013, 5:38 pm

...I said that I experienced no violence whilst in the jug and that is true .
However , I did experience a couple of close moments/threats - Funnily enough , both in brief moments when we were out of our ward/block and in other parts of the jail temporarily , " upset " moments...Until , during my last 48 hrs , a threat withing the block...All of these were from my peers , BTW , fellow inmates , no threats from the guards/whatever you want to call them .
The system had us left alone in the block more or less all the time , maybe a guard would come in for one reason or another every...20?? 15?? minutes .


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11 May 2013, 6:05 pm

...For one comment I DO go to ERs , quite frequently (some might say too much , in fact)...It helps , but it's a Band-Aid , essentially .
For another point ( aside from the " Wherever you go , therey ou are " adage .) , while some places might be marginally cheaper - at my level , not " the price of a new house " or whatever Forbes Magazine or whoever uses as criteria in that sort of listing - It would cost me a great deal of money upfront to get to anywhere (And , I HAVE thought about certain areas , just not?? discussed it here .) , I have no real contacts anywhere , and what do I do once I get there ?
I've done just that , more or less , a time-ish or two in my life , when I was younger and I had better health...


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11 May 2013, 7:19 pm

...It appears , now , that some somewhat nasty posts from Richard Benson , and attacks upon him from others - are gone .
My last post , above , was a response to some of what he said .
I guess he had a right - I guess , I'm being " free-speech " - but I'm glad that I was defended :)!


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14 May 2013, 10:46 am

...I finally got some early-nightish sleep , woke up in time - barely - to get my SSD$ and go to the one little grocery/" coveniencence "(Sp??) store near me open 'til 2...........I had found some food B4 that sleep , so I wasn't super-hungry by then .
More later , I am - at the library - REALLY sleepy-ish now , but even if I strain my feet , etc. to go to the park near me and nap , I gotta get some stuff done first...


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14 May 2013, 12:33 pm

...The generic glasses I keep buying I keep buying because they keep falling apart , whatever brand (And I tend to get more than 1 - when I was in SC , the CVS there tended to have twofer-priced sales on such glasses , I'd have one for " nice " situations like typing at the library and another one for " not clean " situations like reading outside from my " to be thrown away/left somewhere for someone else " reading materials .)...


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14 May 2013, 12:52 pm

...Really , the " good " , pocket ones , for this situation , had a lens fall out , as has happened already with one of his two mates ( This time I bought a cheaprer " 3 pair for $14.99 , no cases for them " set , not a Foster Grants/similar w/ a case . ) .
Before , in the slam , I'd been able , again , to take one pair inside with me , but w/out a case - " more expensive " Fosters' or whatnot - they lasted thru my jail term but started to fall apart one I got ut - At least they lasted there :) .


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14 May 2013, 1:15 pm

...One weird thing opinted out to me whilst I was in the jug , Chloe , (by some other of my fellow cons/jailhouse lawyers) is that plea bargaining can gat an even more favorable result if you wait a little longer , even up til' the brink of trial (I'll have to re-check this !) , the day of a trial starting they may offer yu a lowe plea still .
Okay frankly I am considering going back as I have darted around actually saying here tho I am not absolute at this time frankly the evidence of my toe's state - I was able to get the rather minimal medical care for that - relatively easy to work with and extremely unattractive/a gross out to other people - seems to say " I should " .
If I got a more than 30 days sentence , it appears my SSD money would be messed up though pre-trial detention doesn't count .

Chloe33 wrote:
Jail or prison time = free health and mental health care oh and dental in jail or prison while you are locked up.
If you are mental they might have seperate housing. I'm sure you don't want to be on suicide watch.
Yet if you have to drop someone, they'll might put you in cell style housing with only one other roommate instead of dorm style with tons.
You have options there and get well fed.

At least it is a free room and board and roof over your head, food to eat, and access to doctors. If you have to go, make the best of it.
If you are opting for trail your jail stay will be longer than if you take a plea deal.


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14 May 2013, 1:24 pm

...Frankly , I'm sort of down to , either go back to SC to get arrested , by being on the main drag and violating my prob...Althiugh , with my sense of the absurd , maybe it wouldn't work . Still , since I'ev been " officially " arrested , and (If I mentioned this??) had the " mean " judge at least throw around possible sentence amounts of " $1000 and a six-month sentence " (tho' a 6-monther would become a 3-monther due to this situation in California where their ails are so overcrowded that ALL! , I believe , official sentences get cut in half from the beginning and the clock of your time starts being calculated from THERE , you have to mess up greatly to get the original 1/2 put back in any way) even that , even if possible , would be " only " three mnths...Um , more than 3 times what I did ! !! !!
It seems like either that , or trying a free week at a pretty heavily Christianity-oriented homeless shelter here in SJ where you have to go to chapel every night (CityTeam - I mean , I went to another church myself last Sunday , having intended to and meaning to go more , there or elsewhere) are my main " long/-er term alternatives " at present - And , I'd hope the shelter would be freaked up enough about my foot that I mightg et " real " help...

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14 May 2013, 2:02 pm

Give the shelter a try maybe... perhaps it won't be that bad. It sounds as if SC isn't a place they even want you back in at any rate: they would probably prefer not to see you back in SC.

I really feel for you in your situation and hope you'll continue to keep us posted. (from the library, that is - not Fedex!) so you can save something...

You deserve a break. I would hate to have nowhere to go. By the way I spent about 2 years in a Christian-oriented shelter during a rough patch in my life about 6 or 7 years ago, so I know the type of setup they have... Once established as a resident one was expected to attend all devotions but they didn't really make much effort to find suitable work for the inmates... there were a number of shorter and longer term residents, some of whom were eventually kicked out for various misdemeanours...

It was an interesting experience at any rate...


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14 May 2013, 2:07 pm

...A " mission stiff " , eh ????????? :lol: 8)

quote="envirozentinel"]Give the shelter a try maybe... perhaps it won't be that bad. It sounds as if SC isn't a place they even want you back in at any rate: they would probably prefer not to see you back in SC.

I really feel for you in your situation and hope you'll continue to keep us posted. (from the library, that is - not Fedex!) so you can save something...

You deserve a break. I would hate to have nowhere to go. By the way I spent about 2 years in a Christian-oriented shelter during a rough patch in my life about 6 or 7 years ago, so I know the type of setup they have... Once established as a resident one was expected to attend all devotions but they didn't really make much effort to find suitable work for the inmates... there were a number of shorter and longer term residents, some of whom were eventually kicked out for various misdemeanours...

It was an interesting experience at any rate...[/quote]


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14 May 2013, 2:16 pm

...I started to type a longer response but it got lost , and I am dis-inclined to try again now...But...GETTING REST & TREATMENT FOR MY TOE has to be , maybe , Number One , at leat in the long runOr am I to go into any ER , seek out the nearest doctor , and , baring my toe , saying " Okay , Big Daddy...Let it rip ! !! !! !! !! " on the theory that " If you give Big Daddy what Big Daddy wants , Big Daddy will LIKE you ! !! !! !! !! " which I am all to prone to think , so to speak... :cry: I mean , there's a story I could go into :? ...


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14 May 2013, 2:59 pm

...I made another post that , aonce again , I pushed " new Topic " rather than " Reply " on , and I suppose it's up now...Hopefully , Ye Mod will bring it in , out of the cold ?????


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15 May 2013, 8:25 am

A link would have been helpful.

“Unintended New Topic That Should Be Part ASS-P " Amputa”


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15 May 2013, 11:08 am

..Thank you , Lisa :-) .
You know , by that time I may (as I am now) have been on the 15-min. computers , downstairs , standing up .


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16 May 2013, 12:47 pm

...I'm stll outside at this point - Lightly sprinkled rain last nite/this ayem , ulp?????????


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23 May 2013, 6:25 pm

...Hello .
It is more than a week now , I went back to Santa Cruz , and landed back in jail AGAIN - TWICE 8O , the 2nd time within HOURS after my release , when , left not only homeless but without any MONEY , or my incredibly nessecary " life cards " - my California state ID card , my United States Social Security card , my MediCal (medical care) cards , and my MONRY-accessing ATM card , without which I cannot access my SSD cash - I went to the San Jose Police Department , who had arrested me , to pick up the items that were rightfully mine , as above , plus my duffle bag with bedding , magazines , etc. - And had the SCPD arrested me and take me back to County Jail (which is run by the San Jose SHERIFF'S department , I believe county-level whereas the SCPD is SC City/Town-level . ) , for " trespassing " , only to be cut loose again today ! !! !! !! !! :P :?
I received a little trteatment for my toe while there , incidentally , but that is over now...:-(