zen_mistress wrote:
I dont know. I still sometimes get myself into terrible trouble these days, and I'm nearly 31. I try to be vigilant not to offend people (which Im good at) but sometimes things slip through the net.
I think everyone else gets people mad at them. I remember some guy saying if you
don't piss off people in your lifetime,
you're doing it wrongThat also explained how I somehow couldn't fit in with the other black people in 5-8th grade and HS to some extent. And how I managed to piss off a lot on TOTSE when I first posted lol. They said my spelling was s**t, didn't notice it when typing. They (some TOTSEans) also said my flames were weird, which they can still be sometimes. w00t for firefox
Fossy wrote:
lol No we have an El here too. EDIT: Sorry didn't read your post thoroughly enough before I responded.
My grandmother is from where Belarus is now, but her village was burnt down in world war 2. My family is Russian Jews and I've heard Jews weren't actually considered true Russian citizens all the way back then. But technically I am 75% Russian. I have distant cousins that I've met that still live in Belarus. Their son goes to school in the states.
oh, okay. Yes, Jews were not considered "full" Russians and were exiled to Western Russia ('The Pale of Settlement" I believe). The rules and laws varied over rulers but yeah there was antisemitism there. Ukrainians invented the Pogroms lol. The Soviet Union was friendlier to Jews and many Jews were influential in the Soviet system (see Trotsky before he fled/was kicked out by Stalin)
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!