Post-natal (or partum) depression is your first stop. You have it, you need to see someone about it, before it gets out of hand. Simple as that.
For better or worse, you have a child, and that is something that will be with you forever. There is only one thing to do, and that is learn how to be a parent. Changing nappies, feeding, holding.. these are all things that can be learned, need to be learned. They are just physical activities, and no major drain on an adults physical resources, but to the child they are its existence. They are all need-to-know things, and all readily learnable. Google it, take classes, even get other mothers to show you.
Also.. things change. When my first son was born, it really did feel like I would never get to sleep ever again. A decade later, that is such a non-issue. He went from this mewling bag of noise to an articulate individual with more intelligence in him than many of my contemporaries. He was, as a baby, an awkward annoying sh*****g puking unsleeping nightmare. But that changed. (Apart from the sleeping. He still never does.)
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]