This is my 2nd attempt at my 1st post on this forum. My 1st went into the ether as I included a web page in it, which appears to be a no-no until you've been 'around' for a while. I will make it shorter and say more later if I can re-ignite interest in this thread, which is seriously at the heart of my 'problems' in life.
I'm in my late 40's and was 'tagged' as Aspergers by a psychologist who I'm saw a few times in relation to problems where I was working. His call that I should simply give up and 'play the politics' was poor and ill-informed. He'd dealt with teenagers with the condition, but as somebody who'd struggled with their life because I couldn't (and mostly wouldn't) tell a lie for decades, such a simple solution was impalatable. To cut the story short, I ended up resigning and threw away my career and effectively my life.
My take on honesty is a simple one. An honest person is just trying to live in the real world. I am fairly articulate, and I wouldn't past judgements on issues that are subjective, eg somebody's dress sense (I'm colour defective, so I don't make any calls on issues that deal with colours anyway). However if I believe in it strongly, I'd offer comments in a hopefully constructive way. In fact personally I don't like compliments because most of them have ended up as a being hollow, nor do I like undeserved criticism ( I can accept criticism when I deserve it); my favourite form of feed-back is constructive criticism. If you honestly feel about something, you've just got to go with it. I've got my failings and I begrudgingly accept them, the disappointing thing is that my strengths were brutally put down by my former colleagues. My honest calls about issues that I dealt with, were overwhelmingly correct but got me offside with everybody.
There is a page on the web that is a very thoughtful piece about this issue and is called 'I cannot tell a lie' by Simon Baron Cohen. I can't see any reference to it here on what is clearly an extensively used resource. I cannot link to it because of the restrictions I presently have, being so new to this forum, however if you google I cannot tell a lie and Cohen you should be able to see a link that involves a website site called 'Incharacter' which contains the piece. It was 2nd on the list I got when doing so.
I'd be interested in hearing views on it, especially in relation to living in the 'real world'. With the name of this website as being 'wrongplanet' I could easily go with 'realworld'. I compliment all of you who are indeed honest and trying to live in this world, I honestly believe that a major reason why the world is failing apart these days is because everybody is living in their own worlds, which is precisely what liars are doing.
Thanks for your time,