
Joined: 1 Oct 2007
Age: 48
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Posts: 532
Location: sifting through the ashes
All of these idiots that are waiting... hoping... trying to make the system break. Waiting with baited breath for some stupid Mad Max Fall of Western Civilization Scenario. They don't get it. Most of them have no idea that if and when She finally goes they will be about as useful as a pig with a hammer, and dead as dead, quick as quick.
Most people without civilization to ensure comfort or hold them in check are opportunistic, predatory, hormone driven monkeys and little else. Intelligence does not give you much of an edge in circumstances like that. Integrity and honesty sure as hell won't. Most of them don't understand what it really means; that once you start hitting you had better not stop until they aren't moving. That when you are on the wrong end of gun you had better get socially savvy and be able to lie, lie, lie in a big friggin' hurry. That being on the sharp end of a knife hurts alot and if you want to live you had still better be able to start hitting and keep going until they... well you get it. That sometimes in circumstances like that when you are surrounded by the desperate, you had better be able to make a snap decision for survival that might mean saying "you or me pal, sorry" to someone you care about, or just someone else who is trying to survive, or ensure the survival of their children. That life will suck. People will die. Human life will be worth precisely squat, and if you are in the way and/or the nice guy, or even just trying to hang onto some faint scrap of morality, you are just more meat for the meat eaters.
The reality of it will be a horror, and most of these f***in' whiners have no idea, will be caught flat footed and still be whining while they are dying. The adrenaline rush will wear thin and off in a big hurry, and it won't be 'fun' anymore. It won't be a movie, there won't be any heroes, there won't even be a damn soundtrack, there will just be survival, and if this happens, most of us won't make it.
If you've never had to beat the crap out of someone to live, if you have never had someone point a gun at you, if you have never been afraid you would die at the hands of somebody else... Shut up. You don't know what you are talking about.
Kay. I'm done.
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
-Walt Whitman
Sorry, but I just saw Fall Out Boy's music video for "I don't care", which I should have gotten to make the life-casts of, for their peel-away masks (life-casts of the entire band, plus Mark Hoppus), as well as work on Senses Fail's new video. My boss knows that I'm a huge music freak (he bought me a book about punk as a gift last year) and yet he didn't call me in to work on those. Instead, he had the cute, 23 year old female intern, with a nice @ss, who costs 5 buck less per hour than I do, to work on it. Hell, I've had to work on sh*t like Big and Rich, in the hopes that we would someday get a rock video...
I cannot f*****g stand the book Freak Show.
Okay, so the whole premise is about a teenage drag queen who learns that being yourself is awesome. Okay, cool, sign me up. Then, I actually read it.
Jesus Christ, it was so bad that I wanted to blow my brains out. The main character is pretty much a living, breathing example of histrionic personality disorder. Attention-seeking behavior? Check. Uncomfortable when he's not the center of attention? Check. Shallow, constantly changing emotions? Check. Excessive concern with physical appearance? Oh god yes. He went to school every day dressed like he was going to a costume party. He even glued Cheerios on his face one day, painted over them with green paint, and went as a swamp monster. If you go to school dressed as a f*****g swamp monster when it's not Halloween or part of Spirit Week or whatever and you wonder why people make fun of you, you are friggin' dense. Hell, I wondered if the character had mild AS, because he had no social skills whatsoever and couldn't pick up on social cues. Protip, buddy: Wearing Halloween costumes to school will make you a social outcast.
Okay, that was therapeutic.
I don't post here anymore. If you want to talk to me, go to the WP Facebook group or my Last.fm account.
Life and Death....
why put the people I care about most in life and then tear them down? Why?
You've done nothing but put me in pain after robbing that of which was most precious to me. You've taken my family members including pets, friends, and let's not forget me. True I'm not dead yet but it is something you're planning to do whether now or later in my short amount of time here in these flesh and bones.
If there has to be life why death...to spread good genes? Then why create genes in the first place?
Also I'd like to know why is it that humans have to go through this thing called grief. Why can't we be just as accepting as the animals when one close relative or friend dies? This grief has put me through so much turmoil that I don't know if I'll ever be the same again. I can't accept this, I didn't even get a chance to say something to them before you stole them.
I hate you guys Mr. Death, and Mrs. Life. I wish there was a way to destroy you two. You've enslaved me through so much pain that there's no way I can even unlock or solve these shackle of chains.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
So I'm sitting in a freezing cold house, with no electricity (my laptop's battery hasn't died yet), buried under 15 blankets and wearing 3 layers of clothing. I can't get the electric turned back on until I get paid at the end of the week, so I'll be freezing until then.
This blows.
One of my roommates is laying here with me. Where is my other roommate? Somewhere with heat! A friend of ours, who pretty much lived with us in our days of having heat, has a house down the road and he's letting said roommate stay with him. I thought we were pretty close friends, but he started acting really weird toward me about a week ago. I asked if I had done something wrong, and he said it was nothing. WELL, Friday or Saturday night I overheard him talking about me in a different room. He thought I was asleep, so I didn't get up and say anything. I know for a fact that if he wasn't pissed at me, he would NOT let me stay in the freezing cold without offering me his floor, at the least. It kind of makes me mad that I let him sleep here, in my home, for so long and when this happens, I'm totally ignored. Even if I was pissed at a friend, I would still be worried for their well-being and at least check up on them.
I finally found, or thought I found, a good friend - someone who wasn't fake or just using me. It was a wonderful thing, after my past experiences with 'friends'. This is really a huge disappointment. I would confront him about it, but in all honesty I don't even have the slightest urge to put forth the effort. I'm WAYYY too upset with the situation. Even if things do get back to normal, the respect I had for him, and my other roommate (who is also acting weird and talking about me when I'm 'asleep') won't be anywhere near as high as it was. I thought that, being adults, this petty of a situation wouldn't be such a big deal. I now see how immature they are. They won't even put up a Christmas tree with me, knowing how bad I wanted to and how much money I spent on ornaments and decorations. That's money that could have went toward something else, but I wanted us all to decorate together. I even bought us all ornaments with our names on them! Expensive little things... I'm considering returning it all. Given that I can find the receipts...
Such a pity...
On top of all THAT, my grandfather's been hospitalized again. He's doing better than he was a few days ago, when he first went in, but it still terrifies me. He's been so sick for so long... I'm spending as much time with him as I possibly can. I hope he gets through this, and starts feeling better again.
I just wish something good would happen for me!
Why does everything have to be about the "customer"? I am sick and tired of "the customer is always right" That does not mean, that the employee is always wrong. I am tired of managers taking the customers side in every dispute. The customer was drunk and assaulted the delivery driver and said the driver pulled a gun on said customer...who is right? the customer not the employee who has been there ten years. The employee was honest and suggested a lesser product to the customer based on what the customer said he needed, the customer complains, who is right? the customer. The customer yells at employee because lettuce was left off a sandwich, and used foul language, guess who was the one who ACTUALLY used foul language? If you said the employee, you are correct...
Why does it have to be this way? People who deal with the public should not have to be abused in this way. We are not just robots or mindless zombies, we are HUMANS, we have feelings and thoughts and dreams like the rest of you. We are often not in this job by choice, we do this to make ends meet or pay bills or a first job. There have been studies that show customer service people have a high rate of substance abuse and suicide. Is it any wonder with company policies that make their employees feel like they are dirt 100% of the time?
This kind of treatment of employees pisses me off. I am not saying that customers are always unreasonable. I have one instance where my boss defended me. He is a full blooded Italian guy, and this one lady had ordered a pizza not knowing that they were out of our delivery range. I was asked to call her back and explain. She started calling me all sorts of names and yelling at me. I handed the phone to my boss( the owner of the store) and after about 30 seconds, I saw his face get in this angry look. His reaction was..." IF YOU EVER THREATEN MY EMPLOYEES AGAIN I WILL PRESS CHARGES"
After that, I had more respect for him than I did any other person I know.
Anyways....end of rant
One day you dumb, brainy smarties will look upon us and beg for mercy...and we will consider it. -Peter Griffin
I am in my school's production of A Christmas Carol. At this rate, it will be an unholy trainwreck. First off, the kid playing Scrooge is not only as pleasant as his character, but he doesn't know any of his lines and the show is in two weeks. Secondly, there is a scene where he grabs my arm, and he refuses to do so because he hates me. I think that he's a complete douche as well, but it's acting and he just has to grab my arm, not kiss me or anything (*vomits*). A lot of other kids don't know their lines either. The director plans on getting a local reporter to cover the event. I'm nervous because he might say that I suck or not even notice me, but some of the other kids that I've talked to have said that the reporter will say that we did well because we're at a "special" school (it's for kids with emotional disabilities) and they won't want to make us feel bad. Honestly, I'm starting to think that we should offer an apology to the people seeing the play, because right now, it sucks ass.
Also, the director is a real-life version of Mr. Garrison.
I don't post here anymore. If you want to talk to me, go to the WP Facebook group or my Last.fm account.
ScottF, I hear you loud and clear. When you work in anything service related you get to experience some of the worst people there are. It's just this sense of entitlement some customers have that pisses me off. At the store I work at (Kohl's) we "Yes, we can!" which basically means the customer gets whatever he wants just as long as he whines enough for it. It's rediculous. We have products that aren't even sold at Kohl's being returned and brought out to the sales floor where they of course cannot be sold. The whole place looks like a f***ing joke right now!
I live!
Whoo. So I'm in my new place. And I'm 17.
But can't even watch PG-13 MOVIES, goddarnit! Or play the majority of T-rated games, and all that. I could go to a rated-R movie if I wanted to!
"But they knew there was never room for an onigiri in a fruits basket." -Tohru Honda, Fruits Basket
Lemme have a (blank)ing account for dA, stupid realworlders!

Joined: 22 Feb 2008
Age: 40
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Location: Trapped outside of the space time continuum
I am f*****g sick and tired of the trouble my step-brother brings with him whenever he stays with us. When he isn't with us, he stays with people that are in gangs, doing God knows what. My home was peaceful before his sorry ass showed up. I've had enough of it. I have been silent long enough. Whenever mom or his dad says something to him about it, he tries to justify the things they do, like stealing things and starting fights are good things. I'm not having it in my house anymore!! To keep the peace in my home, I'll become the biggest dick in the world. He will know my Wrath when he comes home and if he doesn't like it then I'll throw his sorry ass out.
So simple, it's complicated
Here are the things that I am sicked, tired of, and pissed at:
Noisy children in quiet places like the library--This part is not directly at the children, but at the parents or guardians of children. Either keep them quiet or send them outside!
emo teens--They make the goth kids at my high school seem laid back and normal. Quit your bitchin' you skinny jean wearing, make-up wearing sissy!
Ethnic exotic females who bleach their hair "blonde"--They are so ashamed they are stuck with the having dark hair, they bleached to make themselves little more feminine and sexy. Blonde only looks sexy on white chicks, on others, their hair looks like mutant monkey piss! Wanna go blonde, wear a wig!
Know-it-all a*7holes--Two words: SHUT UP!
Know nothing a#4holes--Four words: SHUT THE HELL UP!!
Extremely ret*d people--Do I need to explain this one?
Uneducated and criminal ridden "black" people--They do not even deserve the black name, they deserve to be called something else!
Snotty customers (I work at a grocery store, BTW) and the whole "customers are always right" schtick (they are not always right)--I just can't take this whole serving the customers schtick anymore because some of the customers I run into are one the most ignorant people I have ever seen in my whole life.
Wigga teens (why do you want to emluate someone of whom the real black people work hard to avoid being one)--Why do you to act like the kinds of "black" people I hate just because alot of BET and MTV. Grow up and pull up your pants!
People over the age of 20 making fun of people who are "virgins"--Maybe you guys are virgins because why do people insist on making fun of people with the lack of carnal knowledge. It's like they are robots or anything! Some people just can't get out of high school (mentally).

Joined: 3 Dec 2008
Age: 31
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Posts: 910
Location: Steel City (Golden State no more)
I'm feeling really mad and depressed right now. At school today I got in trouble again for not participating in group work. Now if I make one more mistake, I won't be allowed to go to my school next year. I'm 95% certain I won't be able to make it, but the problem is that I would still have to finish the whole second semester at school before I get kicked out. I don't like my school because I have tons of work and no friends, but I'm not sure that there's any place that would be better. I'm starting to cry right now, but I just really needed to get this out here.