I can't think of a number...
I try to look at the bright side, but human existence can be very painful at times. I feel this pain in my belly. I think it is my body fighting against pathogens, (thanks for fighting) but it is uncomfortable.
Darkness tries to engulf me, and my struggle is to not to listen to its lures or commands.
I used to sink into sadness and self-destructive tendencies, but now I learned that I have to do my best to fight for myself.
And it is difficult.
I have to look ahead, and look outside of myself, instead of immersing into the past and into myself.
Things don't work my way. I have a hard time accepting certain things.
There is a faint remnant of the wish, that I would be taken away from this world and from myself, but now the dominant wish in my heart is to live.
Although it is still difficult.
I find solace in God and Christianity,
But I have to say, it is impossible for me, a human being, to abide by all the words in the Bible.
It is totally impossible for me, a human being, to understand the ways of God.
It is impossible for me, a human being, to know who God is. I only know bits and pieces, and that is through faith, not reason nor concrete evidences.
Thrown in the vast, overwhelming impossiblity, I cannot but cry in despair and anguish.
I feel judged, condemned, humiliated, victimized.
Like Job, I scratch my sores with pieces of tiles as I sit amongst the ruins, and I think, 'why was I born? why was not the day I was born cursed?'
At least Job was righteous. I fall into destruction and disgrace because of my own faults, wrongdoings, shortcomings, sins, stupidity, and imperfections.
Please have mercy on me.
Last edited by sunnycat on 27 Aug 2007, 1:33 am, edited 4 times in total.