Bloody traffic and people everywhere. Why are there so many people in the UK? You understand bigger countries like US, but why the f**k has the UK become so overpopulated?
In my city they are always digging up roads so there are endless traffic queues and congestion, and the roadworks take months. And then there's so many traffic lights, junctions, mini roundabouts, train intersections - all along the same street, and the traffic just sits there, waiting for more traffic to pass. It's just a never-ending nightmare of these things on 4 wheels everywhere, and everyone driving these things go the same way.
Why is there so many cars? Who invented these things? Why are so many people driving them at all times of the day? Why don't more people walk or take the bus? And no, I'm not talking about people who work 6 miles out of town, I'm talking about local people. There are lots of reliable bus services here and the only thing making them unreliable is all the traffic. That's what's wrong with it all; jumping into your car is just too easy, even to just go down the road to get a loaf of bread.
Yes having a car is convenient, but people just overuse them these days. One day I would like to do a survey with car drivers, so that I can get an idea of where all these millions of people are going. The answer to all these millions of car drivers isn't just "I'm going to work/I'm coming back from work". The congestion is to do with everyone taking their cars for granted and everyone having the same idea and doing the same thing at the same time.