Jainaday wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I am starting to think that it was a mistake to major in geology.
I did terribly on a quiz last week. My instructor only gave everyone 2 days notice, and I had three other classes to study for, and I could not study everything in such a short amount of time.
Worse yet, my lab session is on Monday nights and everything got thrown off because of the Labor Day holiday.
And every Monday, there is a pre-lab assignment, and I had to study for three other classes as well, and I couldn't get everything done in a timely manner. And my pre-lab assignment is late, and my instructor does not accept late work.
On the quiz, there were some things that were on there that I was supposed to have learned in Chemistry 1, but I took Chemistry 1 at another college and they didn't teach me the material in question. So I am being cheated out of a good grade because I took Chem 1 at another institution.
I contacted the Disability Support Services at my college to see if they can help me.
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