My dad's sperm and my mum's egg when making me:-
Egg: So should we make this baby a girl or a boy?
Sperm: Make it a boy. *Sips drink*
Egg: OK
Sperm: No, wait...make it a girl, but make her become an untrendy tomboy
Egg: OK, a baby girl then. How is she going to be, like I suppose being so both her parents are neurotypicals she'd obviously be neurotypical too, just for the sake of simplicity
Sperm: No, stupid! Give her an ASD
Egg: OK, you mean severe or just...?
Sperm: Give her a very mild and very high-functioning ASD, so that she barely has an ASD at all, but make it so that she still won't be able to fit in with her neurotypical peers no matter how hard she tries, and then she'll become frustrated and depressed about it. Ha ha. *Sips drink*
Egg: OK, and should we give her anything to go with it or...?
Sperm: Yes, give her ADHD, but make it complex so that she doesn't show obvious signs through childhood and then she'll only be stuck with a diagnosis that doesn't really describe her. *Sips drink*
Egg: Oh, right. That's it then, isn't it?
Sperm: *Spits out drink* No, that isn't it, stupid! Give her anxiety, where she overthinks everything and is beyond help
Egg: We might as well give her depression as well
Sperm: No, just make it so that she only gets depression whenever she's reminded of how hopeless she is. Ha ha. *Sips drink*
Egg: Couldn't we just make her be a neurotypical?
Sperm: No, stupid! It'd be too easy!
Egg: How about a neurotypical with depression and anxiety?
Sperm: Still be too easy! Just give her the ASD like I said
Egg: OK, done. Anything else?
Sperm: No, that's it. *Sips drink*. Oh, and make her terrified of any possible risks pregnancy can bring so that she doesn't reproduce. Ha ha! *Sips drink*