AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I want to quit college and go home
No Tim!
Why do you want to do this?

I am not suited for geology because of that chemistry instructor, all other fields I *am* suited for don't pay as much, and nearly everybody employed in some of those fields are freelance or own their own businesses. So I would end up with about $20,000 in student loan debt, and a small business loan worth God know how much. My dreams of living in Seattle would be shattered because of the low pay in those fields.
Also, lowering my standards still has not helped me find a girlfriend. I find myself constantly depressed, and I cry nearly every day.
Furthermore, I was betrayed by an Aspie friend for a second time. I was more than willing to forgive her for the first time she jerked me around. The whole reason I limit myself to other Aspies when it comes to dating was because I was under the impression that Aspies don't lie or cheat.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!