IsabellaLinton wrote:
Sly, this may be an obvious question but have you told the bus company about your concerns? I know you are only one voice and it's hard to stand up to the big corporations, but I think it's worth a try. Maybe write a letter if you aren't comfortable talking to them in person. Tell them the livelihood of your family depends on it.
The only other solution I can think besides a bicycle (which seems impractical) would be Uber Share, if there are other people going the same direction. Sharing cuts the cost significantly. You don't have to go right to the door of work / home. You can get out of the car earlier than your stop and walk the last little ways to save money.
No one wants you banned, Sly. We're just trying to help you because we care.
I did the survey and write answers but then they emailed me day ago saying sorry your answers were lost.
If other people worked my shift and lived out here I’d have rides. But most don’t as they work 6-8 hour shifts. I work 4 hour shifts. And lately the guy who gave me rides home schedule doesn’t line up as he leaves at 7:30 and I work til 9.
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die