+5.5 <- Here’s half point extra for humanity (though I suspect GoatOnFire will be angry with me for that .)
I happen to be a writer, both by trade and hobby. I recently went through a dark time, and correspondingly had written some pretty dark ramblings in one of my blogs. An old high-school friend of mine, someone I've known for, oh, 20 years or so, saw what I wrote and has been giving me grief about some of my more recent, darker writings. I've grown weary of trying to explain the catharsis of writing to him. Apparently I really am a scary person sometimes, even to old friends. <sigh> And I’ve grown rather annoyed over his stark lack of any understanding of me, one that I see ever reflected in humanity. I seem to have this oddly inverse quality to me; the longer you know me, the less well you'll know me, because the more you know me, the more I will tend to be my true self, who is someone who cannot exist here. It's all very strange, and a curse...
So I head back to work today, after taking off last week to do battle with the darkness. One of my work friends had also been reading said mad ramblings from last week, and had even dropped me a quick line about them. He stopped by my office to say "Hi." and see how I was doing (Icarus is always good for an hour or two chat).
So I look at him and sarcastically say, "What, you're not afraid I'm going to go postal on you or something after reading my most recent works?”
He looked at me, a bit oddly, and said, "What? No, of course not. You're a writer; that's how writers work through the problems - by writing about them. And we all go through troubled times; that’s what gives writers something of worth to write about…' And I swear to the gods I had to restrain myself from hugging him when he said that without me needing to explain, explain, endlessly explain. It was so nice to have someone, a human no less, believe in me, for no other reason than that he did... My work friend, I should mention, is a fellow writer; he's currently working on a fantasy novel and I'm providing the character material for the troubled rouge. [Who I suspect will end up saving the world. ]
Thus comes flying back to me, unbidden, a spark of faith in mankind.
Good fortune,
- Icarus runs and leaps onto the altar...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.