scale of -10 to +10, how do you feel right now?

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02 Nov 2007, 3:01 pm

The leader of the punk girl entourage at school works at the same bookstore as I do. She is friends with the same person who is psyching me out of participating in the event set of December.

What's an Aspie guy to say? :?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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02 Nov 2007, 3:03 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
The leader of the punk girl entourage at school works at the same bookstore as I do. She is friends with the same person who is psyching me out of participating in the event set of December.

What's an Aspie guy to say? :?

say cake. that helps


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02 Nov 2007, 3:17 pm

5 and a little discombobulated.


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02 Nov 2007, 5:23 pm

2,I still feel sick about whatthings. I had a good amount of sleep last night though, and didnt go to morning class. Image


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02 Nov 2007, 6:03 pm

I have been feeling like giving up worse than I ever have before.


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02 Nov 2007, 6:22 pm

-11 i feel like im going to have a severe panic attack

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02 Nov 2007, 6:22 pm


Friday! It's a beautiful day, and I'm going to head out a bit early to enjoy some of the rays, as I know they'll get more and more rare as fall fades into winter...

Just out of the blue, I recently started hearing from an online friend who I thought never to hear from again. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better, as she is one of the few people roundabout who I honestly believe is more mucked up in the head than I am, but behind her madness lies a beautiful brilliance which I seek to learn more about.

Speaking of that, someone informed me and others that if you think you're crazy, you're not; once I learned the facts of things, it became immediately apparent that in order to reclaim my sanity, all I need do is declare myself crazy. Watch this: "I'm crazy!" <poof!> Woah! Now I'm sane! It worked! :o :wink:

I'm happy to have two new MySpace friends, both of whom are WP inhabitants and very interesting people to boot. [One of them even commented that my MySpace page is "well-organized". 8O ]

Office Depot fouled up the delivery of my new office furniture; which is not a disappointment, because it is par for basically every delivery I've had in recent memory. I'll cross my fingers and hope they get it right on Monday. It's a bit of a shame, because I was looking forward to getting a lot of things setup and settled over the weekend. But now I have different plans, which will be much more fun I think.

To those of you feeling down and out, my best to you; and to those of you feeling good, ride that high whilst you can. :wink: (Sorry, I've had far, far too much Mt. Dew Gaming Fuel today.)

<hugs Graelwyn>

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- Icarus is off to the races...

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02 Nov 2007, 8:33 pm

Gwen, usually I'm the other way around too!

I'm at a 3 today... my Celexa still hasn't come! Luckily I was taking 40 when I was supposed to be taking 20 and 30, so I have some extra in me until I get my next ones!

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03 Nov 2007, 6:19 am

-10 I have never felt this bad ever. I make the person closest to me feel like -100 and she did something terrible and no matter how bad I feel now I know I made her even worse. I just hope she gets out of hospital soon and will still talk to me.


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03 Nov 2007, 7:40 am

I'm like a 2 right now cause I really have to go to bed, but I f*****g hate going to sleep, I have to battle my bad thoughts until I finally pass out and its f*****g miserable.
I'm just gonna turn off the computer and charge into bed right now, I gotta get it over with, can't keep putting it off.


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03 Nov 2007, 8:20 am

8 everything is just fine

(just the ubuntu is not where i'd like it to be, but i'm confident that it will eventually)


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03 Nov 2007, 9:56 am

I wonder when I'll feel -8?

atm something like -2.

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03 Nov 2007, 7:45 pm

-4. Bad, miserable, awful, a bit nervois, irritable, angry, hopeless.

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l'esprit de l'escalier

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03 Nov 2007, 7:58 pm

Ana54 wrote:
-4. Bad, miserable, awful, a bit nervois, irritable, angry, hopeless.

Too bad you're far away. I think you'd be fun to hang out with. When we're down, we could go see a movie or play DDR or something. Do you play DDR? :D

I'd say I'm about a +4 today. People have been really nice to me and I've gotten to do some interesting and enjoyable activities. Someone with whom I'd been having difficulties went out of her way to do me an extraordinary favor. All the underlying problems regarding my inability to respond to the world in the way that the world says I "ought" to respond are still present, but at this moment life is pleasant enough that questions about personal significance and existential meaning have become less immediately pressing.

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03 Nov 2007, 8:23 pm

9. I've felt really good recently. I don't know why but I hope it keeps up.
By the way, can someone tell me what my sig says? I can't see it.

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03 Nov 2007, 8:31 pm

Nikolai wrote:
9. I've felt really good recently. I don't know why but I hope it keeps up.
By the way, can someone tell me what my sig says? I can't see it.

It says:

The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them. -Antoine de Saint Exupéry