Friday! It's a beautiful day, and I'm going to head out a bit early to enjoy some of the rays, as I know they'll get more and more rare as fall fades into winter...
Just out of the blue, I recently started hearing from an online friend who I thought never to hear from again. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better, as she is one of the few people roundabout who I honestly believe is more mucked up in the head than I am, but behind her madness lies a beautiful brilliance which I seek to learn more about.
Speaking of that, someone informed me and others that if you think you're crazy, you're not; once I learned the facts of things, it became immediately apparent that in order to reclaim my sanity, all I need do is declare myself crazy. Watch this: "I'm crazy!" <poof!> Woah! Now I'm sane! It worked!
I'm happy to have two new MySpace friends, both of whom are WP inhabitants and very interesting people to boot. [One of them even commented that my MySpace page is "well-organized".
Office Depot fouled up the delivery of my new office furniture; which is not a disappointment, because it is par for basically every delivery I've had in recent memory. I'll cross my fingers and hope they get it right on Monday. It's a bit of a shame, because I was looking forward to getting a lot of things setup and settled over the weekend. But now I have different plans, which will be much more fun I think.
To those of you feeling down and out, my best to you; and to those of you feeling good, ride that high whilst you can.
(Sorry, I've had far, far too much Mt. Dew Gaming Fuel today.)
<hugs Graelwyn>
Good fortune,
- Icarus is off to the races...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.