samtoo wrote:
-9 This is the first time I've had next to no self-esteem for like over a year now I swear...
I'm usually upright and proud... but there's so much **** going on and it's all ridiculous beyond measure. And it ain't just the Heather thing at all. I don't think a girl alone could do this to me... sure it'd still damage me but a girl alone couldn't do this.
"Courage and anger are the children of hope" as I recall one person on here once quoting... I think there's about to be an explosion of courage and anger from me... I intend to do something very courageous and damn lol I'm going to be angry.

So **** it... it's -9.

Careful. Turn some critical thinking onto that quote and rip it apart, regardless of the source. I don't happen to see anything courageous in displays of anger. Quite the opposite. The best and most courgeous acts are often the ones that go unnoticed as anything remarkable. Often they are a kind of "anti-act"--refraining from doing something you might otherwise have done if you had let yourself be ruled by urges and passing emotions.
You're wise to realize that what you're feeling has little to do with the girl. I believe you'll find the root of it. You're determined.
Adding all the positive and negative things in my life, I reach about a +3 today. Nah, scratch that. I forgot somthing.